Sunday, August 3, 2014

33 | CNN Headline Giveaways | Are Gaza-Israel Relations Part of the Larger PsyOps?

Above is the headline from CNN as of two minutes ago; two minutes before that, the headline was as below, with the words 'moral outrage' in hyphens.  Between the two, their is quite a strong connection to Freemasonry's degrees- the Scottish Rite variety.   It should be noted that I started to write this post before the above image was created.  In other words, CNN is updating and hyphenating headlines on the quick.  Please continue reading below the image.

Notice that 'moral outrage' is hyphenated above, and 'appalled' is hyphenated in the top image.  Now let us decode these words and see what is revealed.  As is typical with CNN and other mainstream outlets, the hyphenated words sum to "master numbers" and other significant numbers.
  • Moral = 4+6+9+1+3 = 23
  • Outrage = 6+3+2+9+1+7+5 = 33
  • Appalled = 1+7+7+1+3+3+5+4 = 31
  • 31-33 are the Ranging Degrees of Freemasonry
  • Masonry = 4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 33
This is because CNN, and many other media networks were founded by the "33", the 'gang that runs the world' if you will.  Robert Turner III, better known as Ted Turner, was born November 19, 1938, and founded CNN on the 33rd Parallel North in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
  • Turner = 2+3+9+5+5+9 = 33
  • III
  • 11/19/1938 = 1+1+1+9+1+9+3+8 = 33
  • 1119 is the year the Knights of Templar were founded
  • They are said to be the roots of Freemasonry
  • Knight = 2+5+9+7+8+2 = 33
In the headline I asked if these stories pertaining to violence between Israel and Gaza are much like the headlines about shootings in schools?  Perhaps they are organized by the same people, and put on by the same people, all for the same psychological impact that it has on us as a populace.  I wouldn't put it past them, with the emphasis on the '33' in CNN's reporting on the conflict, it seems quite plausible.

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