Sunday, August 3, 2014

42 33 | New World Order Gematria and the Mafia that Runs the World

  • New World = 5+5+5+5+6+9+3+4 = 42
  • Order = 6+9+4+5+9 = 33
Here's a quick theory, the New World Order, as referred to by President's Bush I and I, Clinton and Obama, might be a fraternity of Gangsters.  Perhaps at one time the Kennedy's sat high in this organization, before another family decided to make their movie.  If you have Netflix, there is a conspiracy film on there stating that the Bush family is behind wiping out the Kennedy's.  Perhaps this is in part true, after all no family has benefitted more from the Kennedy's absence than the Bush dynasty.  Anyhow, notice the Gematria of 42 and 33 above for the name 'New World' and 'Order' respectively; the Kennedy's got it too.
The Kennedy family originates from Massachusetts, one of three "33" states.
  • Massachusetts = 4+1+1+1+1+3+8+3+1+5+2+2+1 = 33
Notice how the Name "New World" has a sequence of four fives in it, just like the name Kennedy.  Notice how the Washington Monument in Washington D.C. is 555-feet and 5-inches tall.  Notice how the Pentagon that sits across from it is of five-sides, five-floors, and with a five-acre court in the middle.  It is said that in the King James version of the Bible, the word 'Christ' is used 555-times.  Notice how the nation's birthday is July 4, or the fourth day of the seventh month, and the name Kennedy also concludes with 47 in numbers.  These numbers are coded into everything from state names to the national songs we sing
  • Jesus = 10+5+19+21+19 = 74
  • Cross = 3+18+15+19+19 = 74
  • Jesus was crucified at age 33
  • Oregon is the 33rd State
  • OR = 15+18 = 33
  • Oregon = 15+18+5+7+15+14 = 74
  • Lucifer = 12+21+3+9+6+5+18 = 74
  • Occult = 15+3+3+21+12+20 = 74
The inverse of the number 74 is 47.  It should be noted that the Republican Party has been President more than any other in the nation's brief history.  The Republican Party also originated out of the Whig Party.
  • Whig = 23+8+9+7 = 47
  • Republican = 9+5+7+3+2+3+9+3+1+5 = 47
  • Christian = 3+8+9+9+1+2+9+1+5 = 47
  • President = 7+9+5+1+9+4+5+5+2 = 47
  • Caesar = 3+1+5+19+1+18 = 47
  • Obey = 15+2+5+25 = 47
  • Judge = 10+21+4+7+5 = 47
Together, these are all signs about the truth of our existence, and our nation's purpose.  It was brought about to destroy what once was, and bring in a new order, as it has done.  It is an order that runs on greed, materialism, corruption and dishonesty.  It is a system that influences us to behave much the same, so that we disrespect our neighbors as much as ourselves.  It is a way the Native People once warned of, and are now no longer around to warn of.  They were given the name "Indian".
  • Indian = 9+5+4+9+1+5 = 33
In other words, things were then as they are now.  Open your eyes and realize.

  • New = 14+5+23 = 42
  • World = 23+15+18+12+4 = 72
  • Order = 15+18+4+5+18 = 60
  • New World Order = 42+72+60 = 174
  • Notice the 74 in that sequence and think of the United State's birthday
  • 7/4

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