Tuesday, March 3, 2015

31 33 87 | Edward Snowden Returning to the United States News on March 3

Snowden is clearly a shill, let today's 3/3 news be a confirmation.
  • Snowden = 31/40
  • Dell = 4+5+12+12 = 33
  • Shill = 24/33 (Masonry = 33) (Secrecy = 33) (Alex Jones) (Julian Assange = 133)
  • March 3, or 3/3 news...
    • For the guy leaking a whole lot of nothing... for years...

Remember, Snowden worked for Dell and the CIA, a department created by the 33rd President Truman..

Edward = 5+4+5+1+9+4 = 28
Joseph = 1+6+1+5+7+8 = 28/37
Snowden = 1+5+6+5+4+5+5 = 31/40
Edward Joseph Snowden = 87 (Truth = 87) (Justice = 87)
Edward Snowden = 59/68

Edward = 5+4+23+1+18+4 = 55
Joseph = 10+15+19+5+16+8 = 73
Snowden = 19+14+15+23+4+5+14 = 94
Edward Joseph Snowden = 222 (Two is division)
Edward Snowden = 149

He was born on the day leaving 193 left in the year.  193, the 44th prime.

6/21/1983 = 6+21+19+83 = 129 (America)
6/21/1983 = 6+21+(1+9+8+3) = 48 (Propaganda) (Hoax)
6/21/1983 = 6+2+1+1+9+8+3 = 30
6/21/83 = 6+21+83 = 110
6/21 = 6+21 = 27

2013 = 20+13 = 33

1 comment:

  1. Ed = 9
    Edward = 55
    Ed Snowden = 49
    Limited = 72
    Hangout = 86


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