Wednesday, March 4, 2015

33 | Darren Wilson Cleared of Ferguson Wrongdoing, Case Closed

Do you see how they use these stories and headlines for the sole purpose of provoking people?  It is all too easy to see through... always has been.

This story follows the Ferguson headlines from March, 3, or 3/3.
  • Darren = 33
  • Wilson = 29
  • Darren Wilson = 62 (Mason = 62)
Notice that his shirt is a 'Blues' shirt with the number '42' on it.
  • Ferguson = 42
  • Missouri = 42
    • Nigger = 42
      • Michael = 33
      • Brown = 27
      • Michael Brown = 60 (Nigger = 60 Simple English Gematria)
  • Blues = 59
    • Negro = 59
    • Slave = 59

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