Wednesday, March 4, 2015

93 | Thelema and Episode 88 of the Simpson's, Released November 11, 1993

  • Bart's = 2+1+9+2+1/10 = 15/24
  • Inner = 9+5+5+5+9 = 33
  • Child = 3+8+9+3+4 = 27
  • Bart's Inner Child = 75/84
  • United States of America = 84

Are you aware of Thelema? It is the Occult Religion, worshipping the number 93, which represents "Do What Thou Wilt" and "Love". This episode is about "Do What You Feel", pretty much the same thing as "Do What Thou Wilt".

The date November 11 also reminds of Flight 11 which hit the WTC tower (at least according to the fairytale) between floors 93 and 99. The '93 WTC bombing came precisely 3,119 days before September 11, 2001.  All of these numbers are important.  Flight 93 had 33 passengers... the one that crashed in the Keystone State.
  • Keystone = 33
  • Simpson = 33
Please search this blog for more information on the Simpson's, because trust me, I have written plenty.  Also, credit to Casey at Enter the Stars who saw the September 11 connections in this episode.  If you're not familiar with Casey, he is 'all things 88'.


  1. I was wondering, what's up with 93? Thank you for the post.
    Google had a doodle today for Gerardus Mercator. He's a 16th century cartographer who is probably best know for the Mercator Projection. It makes using maps really simple over lat/long projections.

    Gerardus Mercator = 1116 (English), 186 (simple)
    gerardus = 93/39 really?
    mercator = 93/39 really???
    Projection = 113 (Pythagorean)
    cartographer =67 (Pythagorean)
    Heliocentric = 67 (Pythagorean)


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