Saturday, September 5, 2015

35 93 | Patriots 'Ecstatic' Over Tom Brady Suspension Being Dropped

Recall, the Deflate Gate spectacle has largely been about '35', Tom Brady's most connected number.  Now notice the word 'ecstatic' with the emphasis above.
  • Ecstatic = 5+3+1+2+1+2+9+3 = 26/35
  • Tom Brady = 2+6+4+2+9+1+4+7 = 35
  • 8/3/1977 = 8+3+1+9+7+7 = 35
  • Suspended = 1+3+1+7+5+5+4+5+4 = 35/44/53

Tom Brady had 35 attempts in the "Deflate Gate" game.

Notice the suspension was dropped on "9/3".

Propaganda = 93


  1. Suspension dropped on "9/3"....Nine = 42 (24) + Three = 56 (29) = 98 ('53').


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