Saturday, September 5, 2015

47 67 | Jeb Bush to Attend Papal Mass, September 23, 2015

I haven't heard this news for any other Presidential Hopefuls...  this could be an important meeting.

Jeb = 10+5+2 = 17
Bush = 2+21+19+8 = 50
Jeb Bush = 67
9/23/2015 = 9+23+20+15 = 67
Columba = 3+15+12+21+13+2+1 = 67

This date also has a connection to "President".

President = 7+9+5+1+9+4+5+5+2 = 47/56
9/23/15 = 9+23+15 = 47

Jeb announced he was running on 6/15/2015.

6/15/2015 = 6+15+20+15 = 56
President = 47/56


  1. President Bush = 61, 160. Both like Sixteen =33. Obama was born in '61.

    I imagine Pope Francis, Obama, Joe Biden, and Jeb Bush all in the same private room together. The Pope will conduct the Jesuit Ritual Sacrifice for Obama's upcoming sudden death, curse Joe Biden as the 45th President, and crown Jeb Bush 46th President.

    John Ellis Bush =1142 - Jorge Mario Bergoglio =1142

    They both use nicknames, but can't fool me ;)

    I mentioned a Jesuit Ritual Sacrifice conducted by the Pope for the upcoming death of Obama - which will make Joe Biden President.

    Biden was born on 11/20/42 - 11+20+42 =73. Biden will turn 73 this year.

    Sacrifice =73.

    1. I hope that your predicting this publicly can prevent it. If President Obama is poisoned then you and the mystery man are star witnesses in any criminal investigation. But of course, I ask, why would President Obama submit to this? I can only guess they're threatening to do something horrible to his kids.

    2. And I follow up that with another thought. Now that their codes are public knowledge, can they just lead us on wild goose chases, by the numbers? Having been indoctrinated, so to speak, into their way of thinking, can they control the watchers? Skyedog once mentioned she thought that cracking code words (back when she observed the use of 'bible' 'bite' 'shark' 'atlas' over and over) we were collectively being initiated into the Illuminati's worldview. Instead of bought of conspiracy gatekeepers, a controlled opposition that doesn't realize it's being controlled.

  2. Jon Ellis Bush =924 Ritual Sacrifice =924 The Anti-Christ =924.

    On 9/24 this Ritual Sacrifice will commence at 1:33am in the White House =133.

    Sorry for the 2nd comment, but that Gematria is too powerful to leave out. Even what sounds like speculation has been derived from the Gematria too copious for me to include.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Realized I'm just overstating my case. I hope your prediction prevents this from happening.


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