Thursday, September 3, 2015

YouTube Gives Second Strike, Also Roanoke Shooting Hoax Video

The video I was given the second strike for is as follows, it doesn't even include any footage of the shooting.  It is the second video I did on the shooting hoax in Virginia involving the Batman Themed TV Crew.


  1. YouTube is getting me upset. Are you guys aware they are applying Strikes against all the real truth tellers? Its already been pre-determined who will be silenced during the Pope's Visit. Yes, thats the plan - Truther Blackout for the Sept -Nov events.

    Truther Blackout =60. Sixty =899 Yom Kippur =899. Yom Kippur is on Sept 23.

    In case you haven't caught onto the plan - everybody is gonna be frozen out of their YT channels so they can't reach their Truthseekers w/ the Truth.

    My gripe is our community should have been smarter than this. All the hoaxes from Dylann Roof to the most ridic of all - Reporter being shot live on air f'n BS - were to set you guys up. It was juicy truther bait, and literally everybody jumped on it. Now your hooked - fish out of water.

    Our community has been attacked, and we will have casualties. Right now, its just the YT channels that will go dark, but hopefully we can focus, and prevail in the future.

    You know, when something is too good to be true - it probably is. Just like when a hoax is so pathetically easy to see through - the hoax is probably on you.

    1. Brother, it has always been too easy to see through. And people who tell the truth have always been silenced. They don't do it until the truth tellers get enough attention though. It seems they want the evidence of the deceit gone before their grand plan in September. Don't worry, I'll figure out how to fight back stronger. YouTube is just an experiment in my eyes, it certainly doesn't seem like the greatest avenue after a year+.

    2. Hey Zach. I hear ya - my comments were written w/ anger yesterday - I don't like seeing them F w/ you. But I am sure the Sham of a Hoax you refer to as Roanoke, Va was designed as a TRAP against our community.

      Most hoaxes are easy to see thru, but this Reporter shooting live on air is Pathetic, and an Insult to our decoding abilities. They are laughing at us for falling into their trap so easily - now you have 2 strikes. No matter what they will hit you w/ a 3rd before Sept 23.

  2. Maestro 2x, When did it become obvious to you what the game was?

    1. Its still not obvious, but I stay on the outside, and just look in.....when I look in these days - I see the real Truth Tellers being suckered by hoaxes made to lure them into the trap. The enemy is attacking, and most haven't realized yet.

      We all have to understand that consequences come with telling the truth. Zach is brave, and courageous enough to fight back - I'll be at his side the whole way!

      We have 9/11 to look back on - they made a ton of mistakes. The internet, especially YouTube, exposed 9/11 to be an Inside Job. These Psychopaths will not make the same mistake this time. The Pope's visit will kick off epic events - possibly biblical.

      Pope Francis In New York City = 313. Pope Francis was Coronated on 3/13/13.

      Pope Francis In New York City = 2450 - Do As Thou Wilt = 2450.

      Powerful stuff to this Truthseeker. Thanks for continuing the convo Edward Peters - Shout out to Kill The 115 as well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thx Maestro 2x.

    The next 60 days are going to be epic. I am as ready I can be, if one can ever be ready for such things.

    Zach knows I have his back. He is a great guy.

  5. BAR attorneys, corporations, and central banksters have created this master/slave system.


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