Tuesday, December 8, 2015

33 42 66 | Fox News Bans Two Commentators for Cursing About Obama (Contrived News)


No doubt this is a contrived story, for the headlines it will generate.

Ralph = 9+1+3+7+8 = 28
Peters = 7+5+2+5+9+1 = 29/38
Ralph Peters = 57/66

Stacey = 1+2+1+3+5+7 = 19/28
Dash = 4+1+1+8 = 14/23
Stacey Dash = 33/42/51

Just ask yourself, what are the odds of remarks such as this being made, on the same day, by two different people?  When in your life have you heard anyone on TV, on cable news, call the President a pussy, or say the phrase "give a shit" in regards to anything?

It is pathetic, it really is.  Stacey Dash is related to Damon Dash, hip-hop mogul.

FOX = 666

F = 6
O = 15 = 6
X = 24 = 6


  1. I'm just messing around with you Zach. The whole "Reader Contribution", thing isn't really a big deal to me. I just think you could do a better job of showing us the Francis Bacon Gematria(BG). It would also serve for a more thorough documentation of the numbers.

    The BG on this post would've been extremely relevant, considering how much Fox News likes to rag on Obama. Remember that the FOX Network spells it using ALL CAPS, on the channel that the world series is on.

    Fox = 44(BG) (Obama is the 44th President)

    FOX = 96(BG) (Freemason = 96 SEG)

    Keep in mind that Fox News employs a majority of Catholics.

    Fox News = 132(BG) (Catholic Church/Roman Catholic = 132 SEG)

    The Liberals favorite nickname for the network is Faux News.

    Faux News = 139(BG) (Freemasonry = 139 SEG)

    1. I am not sure that Fox = 44 with the Francis Bacon method. I am not aware of it working that way, but it is possible.
      Fox = 32+15+24 = 81 (Francis Bacon Method)

    2. The BG is actually really easy to use. All you have to do is add 26, for each capital letter in the word or phrase. I'll leave a cheat sheet for the values based on the amount of CAPITAL LETTERS for 1-11.

      Here is the key to make it easier for people:

      1 = 26

      2 = 52

      3 = 78

      4 = 104

      5 = 130

      6 = 156
      (33 reduces to 6, and 6 CAPS = 156 = Thirty Three)

      7 = 182

      8 = 208

      9 = 234

      10 = 260

      11 = 286

    3. Fox = 32+15+24 = '71' = catholic (BG)

  2. Why wouldn't it work that way? It would make perfect sense for them to have a reduction methodology for BG. These are occult numerologists after all.

    For example, we know how important the numbers 68 and 77 are to the freemasons.

    Freemason = 32+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 68 (77 S Exception)

    Makes a little more sense now, wouldn't you agree?

    I know you're trying to keep it simple for people, but you do have some intelligent readers.

    1. All I'm asking is that you consider trying these methods out. I've been doing it on my own for months now, and the numbers seem to fit in very well in the grand scheme of things.

  3. Masonic = 39+1+1+6+5+9+3 = 55 (64 S Exception)

    Notice how the above equation starts with 39 and ends in 9+3?

    Numerology = 55 SEG

    Thelema = 64 SEG

    These numbers are all connected Zach. I could show you a more complicated BG Reduction, but I'm trying to keep things elementary for now.

    1. *Correction*

      Numerology = 55 PG (Pythagorean Gematria)


      Thelemic = 39 PG (Pythagorean Gematria)

  4. Stacey Dash is so fine. And couldn't be more perfect to have a foxy Clueless star become a clueless Fox propagandist.

    Clueless =33/96
    Clueless and Foxy =59


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