Tuesday, December 8, 2015

39 84 | Scientist Makes Mona Lisa Discovery, December 8, 2015 News Headlines


Mona = 4+6+5+1 = 16
Lisa = 3+9+1+1 = 14/23
Mona Lisa = 30/39

Mona = 13+15+14+1 = 43
Lisa = 12+9+19+1 = 41
Mona Lisa = 84


  1. Didn't they do this same story a few years back? Or was that a Nick Cage movie?

  2. January 8, 1963 the Mona Lisa made its first appearance in the US. That's 52 years and 11 month span to today.

    Fifty two years eleven months=119

  3. Even if you don't want to try out the Reduction Bacon Method, you're still missing out on key information by not using the Simple Bacon Method.

    For example, I know you've been coming across the number 175 a lot. This may help to explain a very small part of its significance.

    Organization = 41+18+7+1+14+9+26+1+20+9+15+14 = 175

    Civilization = 29+9+22+9+12+9+26+1+20+9+15+14 = 175

    Environment = 31+14+22+9+18+15+14+13+5+14+20 = 175

    Abraham Lincoln = 27+2+18+1+8+1+13+38+9+14+3+15+12+14 = 175

    Death Sentence = 30+5+1+20+8+45+5+14+20+5+14+3+5 = 175

    Four Eleven = 32+15+21+18+31+12+5+22+5+14 = 175

    Eighty Eight = 31+9+7+8+20+25+31+9+7+8+20 = 175

    Lord Jesus = 38+15+18+4+36+5+19+21+19 = 175

    Archangel Gabriel = 27+18+3+8+1+14+7+5+12+33+1+2+18+9+5+12 = 175

    You already know about Flight 175. There's important celebrities, politicians names, and other interesting phrases that sum to 175 in Bacon Gematria. You would've known all of this and much more, had you been using this method since you discovered it. It serves for better documentation and understanding of numbers in the long run.

    I really need to get back to work now. We can speak more about this later if you want. Peace

    1. It isn't that I don't appreciate the method, it is just that I only have so much time, and like I've said from the beginning, I'm looking for people to help me with the research, which you are doing by making these points. In recent videos I have included the Francis Bacon method in certain explanations. I'm just one man. I don't see anyone else in this world being more productive than I in terms of the truth movement. Let me know if you know differently.

    2. I'm a busy man too, so I get what you're saying. I just think it wouldn't hurt to remind your subs a little more often about the other methods. It might encourage them to look into it a little more. They would at least take it more seriously coming from the authority of Gematria, instead of some random guy in the comments section.

      That being said, I'm glad to help by contributing as much as I can. Though it's hard for me to find much time, considering I'm being pulled in a million different directions. Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of dropping everything. I need to do what's necessary to survive and all.

      As for your knowledge, efforts, and the energy you bring, it's unparalleled and invaluable if you ask me. Please don't misconstrue my constructive criticism, with trying to discredit or slander you. I know you've had enough of that nonsense happening already. Just know, what you do is appreciated by more than you're even aware of.

  4. I'm surprised no one else grabbed the low-hanging fruit. If no one else is gone step up to the plate, I will.

    Mona Lisa = 13+15+14+1+12+9+19+1 = 84

    Leonardo = 12+5+15+14+1+18+4+15 = 84


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