Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Report: ISIS using U.S. weapons, CNN Headlines


They could have just as easily shown the new Toyotas and gun mounts in the beds of the trucks.


  1. Incase you're not already privy to this information, it looks like the shills are getting some free promotion. I noticed you weren't mentioned once in the article. I find that highly suspect, considering the amount of traction your San Bernardino videos got. Your own personal favorite shill is getting the most promotion. Awful convenient for him, Eh?


  2. Replies
    1. This comment just made me fall out of my chair! Hilarious!

  3. report: isis using us weapons" in the English Reduction system equals 117

    five decades" in the English Reduction system equals 47

    twenty five countries" in the English Reduction system equals 93

    major Roger Cabiness " in the English Reduction system
    equals 84

    Patrick " in the English Reduction system equals 33

    Wilcken" in the English Ordinal system equals 77

    zachary cohen" in the English Reduction system equals 64

    117 & 77 everywhere all week?

    2015-1977= 38

    Same numerology as December 18, 2015

    12+18+2+0+1+5= 38

  4. Hi guys,

    so umm. The Braves just traded Shelby Miller (59) to Arizona for ENDER Inciarte. Any guess what his name sums to? I don't have to tell you it's 70 fucking 1, people. 71.

    Ender. Arizona. 71.

    1. Also in the deal. Let's play guess the numbers.

      Dansby Swanson. What do you think? Oh, you think its 44?
      AND 170, you say? Ah.

  5. Also please recall:

    This is the SECOND Braves-Diamondbacks trade in 6 months.
    The first was a bizarre one done by the numbers around midnight of June 21. That's 71.

    Now this trade.

    1. I was just reading about the Falcons having trouble selling their PSLs, like u said.
      That is also huge.
      I think you're bang on with these trades too.
      Its on!!

    2. And yet I'm still waiting for the Zionist curveball.
      I better be hitting this shit out of the park.

    3. We're getting curve balls with the Packers, cardinals and even the Eagles.
      These numbers are subtle clues and hard to find, unlike these curve balls.
      Seattle won their SB cos the team was gonna leave until Bill Gates stepped in, then they won.
      I think this is the same reasoning..
      Go Falcons!

    4. And you're the only one I see calling it for the Falcons.
      So this is gonna be huge if you're correct, which I believe you are.

    5. LOL. Here's the clincher:

      The duration between those two Diamondbacks trades: 170 days.

      The duration between this trade and the SB date: 1 Month and 31 days. 131 Super Bowl

    6. It seems they come up with different patterns every year?
      I was check ing Red Sox trades for last years SB and didn't see any connection. But I only checked a few.

    7. I am just going to say that the DBs seem to be being set up for next year. Shelby Miller couldn't win last year, but had a great ERA. He won his last game, breaking his streak, and his winning ways will continue in Arizona. Braves are already tanking, setting up for a bad year, but I think they'll have a good second half next year, they have a new stadium coming too.

      Falcons all the way, I am totally on board with GS, my GA brother.

    8. So I'm awaiting a better microphone setup, but I'm recording my first podcast episode. The focus is background info on myself, and then some quick Hank Aaron numbers to show how it works.

      I think it will be beneficial to have a youtube channel because viewers can SEE the numbers. Maybe start with a blank word document and fill in the blanks as I discuss them. We'll see but it's coming together.

    9. BTW, Miller had 17 losses last year. His last victory I believe was against...you know it was the Cardinals.

    10. Remember that St. Louis/Arizona/Atlanta have a history with each other.

      The St. Louis Hawks became the Atlanta Hawks
      The St. Louis Cardinals became the Arizona Cardinals

      Diamondbacks defeated the Braves in the 01 NLCS at Turner Field. Braves had not won a series since.

      Braves acquire Miller for Heyward, only to flip him to Arizona now, while the Falcons win the SB. It's all motion.

      I still believe the reason the Astros were moved to the AL INSTEAD of the logical Diamondbacks is for a Cubs-Astros WS.

    11. And I missed the obvious: Shelby Miller wore 17.
      See how 17, the reverse of 71, goes to AZ.
      While Atlanta sends that 17 to get Ender Inciarte's 71.

      The loser gets 17, the winner gets 71.
      It's already being called a robbery.

    12. Yo watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmUdpQljwE4 tell me what you think

    13. I saw that...
      I think he makes a valid argument.
      But, the Falcons are building a stadium and they can't sell their PSLs. What better way of selling them than to win a SB?
      Seattle won when they were about skip town and Bill Gates stepped in too.
      The money will go on Manning this year cos its his last year but Falcons will spoil the party!

    14. The stuff GS has come up with is too coincidental not to be Atlanta.
      Unless we're completely fooled.
      Time will tell.

    15. He makes good points. Carolina is possible, but remember Atlanta's a very racial city as well. Crucial to the Civil Rights movement, etc. And maybe it also works that Cam is from here too. Interesting.

      We shall see.

    16. I see a 9-7 record and they get a playoff spot with help from Minnesota.

    17. Cam is a definite for MVP.
      But the Zionists are racist themselves, so he'll most likely come up short in the playoffs. And what better way to come up short than against your hometown team?

      It's him passing the baton to Atlanta basically.

    18. IDK because for all we know the people that run the nfl could switch things up at the last minute.

    19. I think Falcons win out from here.
      Like GS said, ATL win this week, then next week and Panthers lose this week to ATL, then win next week and bring that 13-1 (131) into ATL and lose to ATL again to give that 131 (Superbowl) to ATL.
      Then fasten your seatbelt time! :-)

    20. Its all about selling those PSLs guys!!

    21. We all know who is going to represent the sorry AFC, but their confusing us about who is going to represent the NFC

    22. Read this...

    23. G.S. what will be the name of your youtube channel.

    24. no disrespect but what do PSLs have to do with anything?

    25. Its a lot of money.
      Each seat ranges from $500 to $5500 per seat!

    26. This is a must win for Atlanta on sunday if they don't win then G.S. prediction is wrong.

    27. Actually some of them go for $45,000!!

    28. You are correct Darius.
      Sunday is must win.

    29. Yep. And again, ATL is a fickle sports town. Those PSLs don't sell themselves. Haha.

      I'm thinking I'm going to call it The Zionist's Chessboard. Not sure yet.

    30. Hundreds of millions of $$$s to be made on those PSLs!!

    31. They can get taxpayers money for those PSLs that how they build these billion dollar stadiums

    32. No.. This is for people who want a season ticket to see the team.
      They have to pay seat license for every seat. This is extra money.
      They already got the taxpayers money to build it.

    33. They can get that by earning a playoff spot and winning out this season

    34. Maybe... but a Superbowl sells out your stadium for few years.

    35. It's a big difference. Atlanta fans have been fooled enough to not buy into a "good regular season", they need something tangible like a Lombardi trophy to sell out the new stadium. And it almost has to happen now.

  6. Check out this Plane Crash anyone who reads this.



    It happened 38 years Ago on December 18, 2015.

    Flight 730:

    seven hundred thirty" in the English Ordinal system equals 239

    The name of the airline company:

    Caravelle" in the English Ordinal system equals 79 (Murder #)

    the date it crashed on numerology. December, 18,1977

    12+18+1+9+7+7= 54 (Who is 54 this year?)
    12+18+19+77= 126 (96)

    They supposedly finally dove into the waters off Porto Nova to find the wreckage. All this time later in 2011? It was for a reason. (2nd video link)

    thirty four years" in the English Reduction system equals 84

    Porto Novo, Madeira" in the English Reduction system equals 84

    (8/4 who was born on August 4th?)


    December 18, 2015 #'s


    1. September 23, 2015 - December 18, 2015.. That span of time is days 86.


      eighty six" in the English Ordinal system equals 126

      eighty six" in the English Reduction system equals 54

      Just like the Numerology of the Plane Crash Date in '77.

  7. Displaying rockets on a pink satin sheet? Like they're watches or jewelry? Fucking absurd. Pink satin = 113 in Simple English gematria.

    1. It looks like it could be either pink satin or red velvet if you ask me.

      Pink Satin = 113/41 (50 ~ S Exception)

      Red Velvet = 113/41 (59/77 ~ V Exceptions)

    2. It's really freaky that the gematria matches. Nice observation.

    3. It's definitely a Hollywood production. You know how those weirdoes get down.

      The Red Carpet = 123 (Conspiracy = 123)

      Red Carpet = 90 (Ninety = 33)

      Velvet Rope = 140 (Absolute Lies = 140)

      Velvet Ropes = 159 (Project Monarch = 159)

      Another word for Velvet is Velour.

      Velvet = 86 (Pyramid = 86)

      Velour = 93 (Saturn = 93)

      I'd break it down deeper, but I need to get back to work.

      ~Peace F2FT Fam


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