Friday, January 1, 2016

16 47 59 223 239 | Zika Virus Headlines (Happy New Years 2016!, from the Fear Mongering Media)

First, let us decode 'Zika Virus'.

Zika = 8+9+2+1 = 20
Virus = 4+9+9+3+1 = 26/35
Zika Virus = 46/55

Zika = 26+9+11+1 = 47  (Virus supposedly discovered in 1947, emphasis on '47)
Virus = 22+9+18+21+19 = 89
Zika Virus = 136

Today's date has a connection to 'death'.

Death = 4+5+1+20+8 = 38
1/1/2016 = 1+1+20+16 = 38

The Gematria of 'Mosquito-borne virus linked to newborn brain disorders' is interesting.  Remember, the United States is in its 239th year of existence.

Notice the post time of 2:23.  Think 'Masonic' and 'The Synagogue of Satan'.

The gematria of 'Puerto Rico' matches the gematria of 'Kill' in jewish format.

Puerto = 7+3+5+9+2+6 = 32
Rico = 9+9+3+6 = 27
Puerto Rico = 59

The psychological impact of reporting, such as the reporting of the Zika Virus, ultimately leads people to thoughts of disease, illness and death, things that kill.  It is all part of the ongoing agenda of negative programming through various forms of fear.

Notice the mention of Brazil.  It has gematria of '68', numbers often showing up around death and destruction.  Think August 6... 1945.

Brazil = 2+18+1+26+9+12 = 68

Checkout the name of the Congressman speaking to the issue.

Pedro = 7+5+4+9+6 = 31
Pierluisi = 7+9+5+9+3+3+9+1+9 = 55/64
Pedro Pierluisi = 86/95

Those numbers, 6 and 8, 8 and 6, like Brazil.

This paragraph gives away what it is all about with the words "there is no vaccine to prevent Zika, and once infected their is no medicine to treat the virus".

We'll see how far they take this story, if anywhere.

Notice it is the 'Aedes' mosquito that carries the virus.

Aedes = 1+5+4+5+1 = 16/25 (First day of 2016)
Aedes = 1+5+4+5+19 = 34

Happy New Year, 2016.



    The article was posted Jan 1st, 2016 @ 2:23 pm

    Actual headline:
    "New laws in 2016 show states are diverging on guns, voting"

    Civil = 55
    Civil War = 97

    Prepare the collective anus, America.

    1. BTW that was 2:23 pm eastern standard time

      EST = 44

  2. Was reading an article about Obama "vacation spending" last night that was published the 29th. You may have seen it floating around. It pointed me towards tomorrow's 1/2/16 date I'd been warning about. Check this.


    "vacation days" in the English Reduction system equals 44

    vacation spending" in the English Reduction system equals 74 / 83

    The article reads the administration paid 8 Mil. $'s in 2013 for a Honolulu , Hawaii vacation. In addition they say 70 Million total has been spent on White House Travel over the past 8 years.

    eight million" in the English Reduction system equals 70

    "Honolulu Hawaii" in the English Reduction system equals 70

    Remember they say 70 Mil. of our tax money has been spent on vacation.

    "seventy million" in the English Reduction system equals 68 / 77

    -Barack Obama = 68 .... Seventy seven = 49 / 67 (Blood Sacrifice #)

    forty nine" in the English Reduction system equals 54 (B's age)

    If you add all the date numerology for tomorrow. 1/2

    1+2+16= 19
    1+2+20+16= 39
    1+2+(2+0+1+6) = 12

    and also
    1+2 = 3

    19+39+12 = ... 70 ... !!!! 19+39+12+3 = .. 73 ..

    seventy three" in the English Reduction system equals 58 / 67
    ( the hoax shooting and Blood sac. No.)

    "seventy" in the English Reduction system equals .. 38

    Tomorrow is the airing of the 38th annual Kennedy Center Honor Awards. Which the President attends.

    "thirty eight" in the English Reduction system equals 68 (Barack Obama =68)

    Now 2016 is a leap year I hear so tomorrow will be the second day of the year with 364 days remaining.

    "three hundred sixty four" in the English Reduction system equals

    .. 116 ..

    Now here is what made me post all this lead up. From September 11th 2001 up until tomorrow. Jan. 2 , 2016 is a interesting span of years and months and days precisely . You may want to sit down for this one.


    "fourteen years three months twenty two days" in the English Reduction system equals

    .. 198 .. (with s-exception)

    one hundred ninety eight" in the English Reduction system equals

    .. 118 ..

    "one hundred ninety eight" in the English Ordinal system equals

    .. 244 ..

    Hold on to your nuggets tomorrow. 1/2/16

    1. Yeah I think I emailed or messaged Zach with a link to a similar article that had been linked on Drudge, but goddamn you really broke it down man.

      A+ 100% great job


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