Friday, January 1, 2016

33 58 152 | The Gregorian Calendar, Freemasonry and the Catholic Church (Pope Gregory XIII)

The number '58' is a signature of the Freemasons.

Notice it was the Pope who introduced the Gregorian Calendar, meaning it is of the Catholic Church, the CC, the '33'.

Notice France, Germany, Austria and Hungary were centuries ahead of the United States and UK
Let us decode the curiosities of Pope Gregory XIII.  This decoding helps us see the historical significance of numerology and gematria.

Pope = 7+6+7+5 = 25
Gregory = 7+9+5+7+6+9+7 = 50
XIII = 6+9+9+9 = 33
Pope Gregory = 75
Pope Gregory = 108

Pope = 16+15+16+5 = 52
Gregory = 7+18+5+7+15+18+25 = 95
XIII = 24+9+9+9 = 51
Pope Gregory = 147
Pope Gregory = 198

Notice below that he was born on a fitting day to be Pope, and died on a date with familiar sacrificial numerology, 33.

1/7/1502 = 1+7+15+02 = 25 (Pope)
1/7/1502 = 1+7+1+5+0+2 = 16
1/7/02 = 1+7+02 = 10

4/10/1585 = 4+10+15+85 = 114 (Often found around death, 'World War')
4/10/1585 = 4+10+(1+5+8+5) = 33 (Recall the 33-Day Pope, who died on date with '44' numerology)
4/10/1585 = 4+1+0+1+5+8+5 = 24
4/10/85 = 4+10+85 = 99

His birth name was perfect for the Catholic Church.

Ugo = 3+7+6 = 16
Boncompagni = 2+6+5+3+6+4+7+1+7+5+9 = 55
Ugo Boncompagni = 71 (Catholic = 71)

Ugo = 21+7+15 = 43
Boncompagni = 2+15+14+3+15+13+16+1+7+14+9 = 109
Ugo Boncompagni = 152

The gematria of '152' is a perfect match with 'Gregorian Calendar'.

Let us now read about the conversion.

9/2/1752 = 9+2+17+52 = 80
9/2/1752 = 9+2+1+7+5+2 = 26
9/2/52 = 9+2+52 = 63 (Western Calendar = 63)

9/14/1752 = 9+14+17+52 = 92
9/14/1752 = 9+14+(1+7+5+2) = 38
9/14/1752 = 9+1+4+1+7+5+2 = 29
9/14/52 = 9+14+52 = 75 (Pope Gregory = 75) (Pope = 52)

2/24/1582 = 2+24+15+82 = 123 (Conspiracy)
2/24/1582 = 2+24+(1+5+8+2) = 42
2//24/1582 = 2+2+4+1+5+8+2 = 24
2/24/82 = 2+24+82 = 107

It is interesting that the days skipped began with September 3, or 3/9, or 9/3.


  1. Pope Gregory = 75 (7+5 = 12)
    Pope Gregory = 108 (18/1+8 = 9)

    Pope Gregory = 147 (1+4+7 = 12)
    Pope Gregory = 198 (1+9+8 = 18/9)

    I know you never add numbers together like this.... but i think it's very interesting that even with doing different style of gematria's on words...... they always seem to share a connection... usually summing to the same numbers.

    That's why i think they code the number "12" into shootings...

    Shooting in Jewish Gematria Equals: 354 = 12

    Shooting in English Gematria Equals: 642 = 12

    I honestly believe they code things this way also... picking names and words that sum to a certain number..... almost like they pick certain days and push out as many number connections as possible....

    James Holmes in Simple Gematria Equals: 120
    Aurora in English Gematria Equals: 444 (4+4+4 = 12)

    He killed "12" people..... and was charged with 140 (14) counts of attempted murder....
    On a date of 7/20/2012 = 14
    7/20/12 = 12

    John Russel Houser in English Gematria Equals: 1362 (1+3+6+2 = 12)
    Lafayette in English Gematria Equals: 570 (5+7 = 12)
    shooting happened on 7/23 (7+2+3 = 12)
    At the "Grand" theater...
    Grand in English Gematria Equals: 264 (2+6+4 = 12)

    Walter Scott in Simple Gematria Equals: 156 (1+5+6 = 12)

    Even the "El Chapo" story broke on the "12th"

    El Chapo in Jewish Gematria Equals: 147 (1+4+7 = 12)

    Then a few days later on the "16th"..... the story came out that said El chapo escaped using a 4,921 foot tunnel..... 4+9+2+1 = 16.

    He was incarcerated for 16 months.

    It's almost comical once you start paying attention to what's going on....... just pay attention to the date (day/day+month)..... and then check to see what the gematria of things sum to for that day..... you will be surprised how much it all connects.

    1. some sources say 12 is a "number of completion"

    2. some sources also say it should not be reduced, but it does reduce to 3, which is a significant number.

      sorta off-topic: something I just noticed a minute ago was how with simple gematria's 911 = 5466 in english gematria

      5+4+6+6=21 2+1=3

      so if you're in to numerology via reduction methods.. the product of simple 911 * its english gematria counterpart of 5466 can be 33. Only if you don't reduce master 11. ;)


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