Saturday, January 2, 2016

33 47 58 | Saudi Arabia Executes 47 People, Including 1 Dissident

7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104 (10-4, message received)
Some say that Saudi Arabia is the 51st State (The same is said of Israel, for different reasons)

Now think about 47 people executed in light of the United States of America, who has a birthday on the 4th day of the 7th month.  Here are some important '47' words.

Obey = 47
Authority = 47
Judge = 47
Gavel = 47
Mafia = 47

Notice how the gematria of Saudi Arabia, the last nation named after a family, corresponds with United States of America and U.S.A.

Symbol = 86
Triangle = 86
Pyramid = 86

'Executed' itself has familiar gematria that often ties in with '47'.

Executed = 5+6+5+3+3+2+5+4 = 33 (Justice, Punish)
Executed = 5+24+5+3+21+20+5+4 = 87 (Justice, Punish)

The word Muslim also connects to 'executed'.

Muslim = 4+3+1+3+9+4 = 24/33
Muslim = 13+21+19+12+9+13 = 87

Another truth teller bites the dust is how this headline reads in my mind.

Nimr = 5+9+4+9 = 27
al-Nimr = 1+3+5+9+4+9 = 31
Nimr al-Nimr = 58 (Dissident) (Freemasonry)

Nimr = 14+9+13+18 = 54
al-Nimr = 1+12+14+9+13+18 = 67
Nimr al-Nimr = 121

This is a match with 'dissident' in Pythagorean Gematria

Dissident = 4+9+1+1+9+4+5+5+2 = 40/58
Dissident = 4+9+19+19+9+4+5+14+20 = 103

As my friends from Saudi Arabia tell me, there is a lot of Freemason corruption and divide and conquer tactics in their land, just as there is in ours.

Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58/67
Freemasonry = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14+18+25 = 139

Sheikh is a word with '33' gematria, just like Muslim.

Sheikh = 1+8+5+9+2+8 = 33/42
Muslim = 4+3+1+3+9+4 = 24/33

Sheikh = 19+8+5+9+11+8 = 60
Muslim = 13+21+19+12+9+13 = 87

'46' is also a number pertaining to 'sacrifice', often showing up in the reported deaths of police officers.

Sacrifice = 1+1+3+9+9+6+9+3+5 = 46/55
Sacrifice = 19+1+3+18+9+6+9+3+5 = 73

Update:  After being the top story of CNN for more than 7+ hours, checkout this update to the ticket.

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