Friday, January 15, 2016

Best video I have seen debunking flat earth theory

These are all the questions I put to flat earthers, in one very well done video.  It forgot to cover the sunrise and sunset though.


  1. Good stuff. Honestly, I could give a shit, and a videp such as this won't even change minds. One of my best friends from high school is a Fighter Jet pilot, he's been higher then most of us have, and he says the whole debate is retarded. He has seen the curvature and still says we are under a dome;

    It's called the atmosphere.

  2. Really Zach? Fake NASA cgi pics as proof? 200 proofs the Earth is not a spinning ball.

    1. Do you realize how stupid that argument is? Because NASA lies does not mean the fucking earth is flat. That is not an argument.

  3. If the you think this video proves anything, then I think you're the retard . The flat earth model has explained all these things. I know your never gonna admit your wrong though, because your that arrogant.

    1. No it has not! The flat earth theory dismisses the coriolis effect.

  4. A Horse with a Different Color---1662, 277

  5. Zach you bring solid information most of the time but I have to dissgree with you on this topic. The earth went from looking like a sphere, to looking oblate, to finally looking like a pear. If the earth is shaped like a pear like we are told, then why are we shown pictures of a spheroid globe. By the way Eric Dubay has just been censored. If he is such a loon then why was he banned?

    1. Who said the earth looks like a pear? Tyson? He is a TV space talker, not who discovered that the earth is round.

  6. The masons know it's flat. They are using this flat / round debate to divide us. Devious fucks that they are.

    Flat earth in masonic art


    E-ster egg!

    What's the freemason's favorite key of music?

    E flat, of course! (just ask Mozart the Mason lol)

    Major Matt Mason knows too ;-)

    1. No one was talking about the earth being flat until this past year. It had been a divisive, idiotic divide ever since.

    2. The Coriolis effect is addressed in the video, proof #141 starting at 1:22:22. The rotation direction is based on the shape of the basin and the angle of the incoming water, not the rotation of the earth. Watch the video Zach, stop supporting the establishment lies and who cares if no one was talking about this last year. Does this mean you are going to keep your stance on this without any additional research? You can't logically argue with over 90% of these proofs. Be the truthseeker Zach, not the ostrich.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Joe Zach is just a shill gatekeeper who believes freemasons. Poor Greenberg...

  7. Earth isn't flat lmao people still think it's flat

    1. Earth isn't a ball lmao people still think it's a ball


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