Monday, March 17, 2014

33 History | Gian Lorenzo Bernini

If you're not familiar with the Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, he is the Vatican artists who replaced Michelangelo when it was time for the torch to be passed from Michelangelo to the next great artist of Italy.  Not only did Bernini have incredible artistic talent, he also had something in common with the man who sculpted the face of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Gheorge Leonida.  In this case, they both happen to be men of the "33".

Gian Lorenzo Bernini was born December 7, 1598.
  • 12/7/1598 = 1+2+7+1+5+9+8 = 33
The name Gian Bernini also has master numerology.
  • Gian = 7+9+1+5 = 22
  • Bernini = 2+5+9+5+9+5+9 = 44
    • Gian Bernini = 22+44 = 66
  • The name Lorenzo has 'meaning of life' numerology
  • Lorenzo = 3+6+9+5+5+8+6 = 42
With regards to his fellow artist of the Catholic Church, Gheorghe Leonida, let us examine the numerology of his name.
  • Gheorghe = 7+8+5+6+9+7+8+5 = 55
  • Leonida = 3+5+6+5+9+4+1 = 33
    • Gheorghe Leonida = 55+33 = 88

The roots of the "33" seem to trace back to the earliest universities; located at the Vatican and at Oxford and Cambridge.  It is likely the number traces back even further than that, but those two sources seem to be responsible for the spreading of 'the conspiracy of 33' across the globe in the time of their existence and power.

In the time of Gian Bernini, he once sculpted the Bust of Cardinal Scipione Borghese, the right hand man of the Pope, and the Head of the Vatican Government.  In other words, he was arguably the most powerful man in Rome at the time.  The famous sculptures made of him by Bernini were completed in 1632.  In the following year, 1633, Scipione Borghese would unexpectedly die, at the age of 66.
  • Scipione = 1+3+9+7+9+6+5+5 = 45
  • Borghese = 2+6+9+7+8+5+1+5 = 43
  • Scipione Borghese = 45+43 = 88
Don't call his death a coincidence.  What I believe is truly happening, and has been happening for a very long time, is the "sacrificing" of important people, by the shadow government, which may very well boil down to the Catholic Church, for purposes unknown to the masses; but important to their ritualistic ways.  The death of L'Wren Scott yesterday, deemed a suicide, in which she hung herself with a scarf on 11th Street in Manhattan, very likely might be another one of these sacrifices, just as the Phillip Seymour Hoffman "overdose death" likely was from earlier this year, on February 2, 2014, the thirty-third day of the year.

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