Tuesday, July 8, 2014

33 47 | Samuel "Sam" Freeman Miller, the Dominant Supreme Court Justice of His Era

Samuel "Sam" Freeman Miller was born April 5, 1816 in Richmond Kentucky.  He passed the bar in 1847 and began practicing law at the age of "31".  Remember that number 47, from the year '47.  He would later become credited with stopping Habeas Corpus, or the right to a judge and jury, as well as ending slavery.
  • Samuel = 1+1+4+3+5+3 = 17
  • Freeman = 6+9+5+5+4+1+5 = 35
  • Miller = 4+9+3+3+5+9 = 33
  • Samuel Freeman Miller = 17+35+33 = 85, 13, 4
  • Sam = 19+1+13 = 33
On July 16, 1862, he became a member of the Supreme Court on Abraham Lincoln.  Samuel Miller was a member of the Whig Party.
  • Whig = 23+8+9+7 = 47
The Whig Party would later become the Republican Party.
  • Republican = 9+5+7+3+2+3+9+3+1+5 = 47
In the history of the United States of America, the majority of Presidents have been Republican/Whig and Christian.
  • President = 7+9+5+1+9+4+5+5+2 = 47
  • Christian = 3+8+9+9+1+2+9+1+5 = 47
Once upon a time the leader was name 'Caesar'
  • Caesar = 3+1+5+19+1+18 = 47
This number has much other relevance and when you think of the nation's birthday, you think 4th of July, which is the seventh month, so 4 and 7...  There's much more on this topic, but I want to stay on Judges.

The numerology of "judge" is quite revealing.
  • Judge = 10+21+4+7+5 = 47
  • Jury is too...
  • Jury = 10+21+18+25 = 74
Back to Sam Freeman Miller, he is known in history for the 'abolition of slavery'.  Think of the name "Freeman" in light of this... Interesting, is it not?

It makes me believe we truly are living out a narrative, an epic, that was written long ago, and elites are just using minions as they go along to fulfill what was written long before; minions such as Samuel Freeman Miller and many more.
  • Epic = 5+16+9+3 = 33
Courtesy of Wikipedia, are a list of Samuel Miller's accomplishments while a Supreme Court Justice.  Also please notice that he is referred to as the dominant justice of his time.
Miller moved to Keokuk, in Iowa, a state more amenable to his views on slavery. Active in Hawkeye politics, he supported Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 election. Lincoln nominated Miller to the Supreme Court on July 16, 1862, after the beginning of the American Civil War. His reputation was so high that Miller was confirmed half an hour after the Senate received notice of his nomination. 
His opinions strongly favored Lincoln's positions, and he upheld his wartime suspension of habeas corpus and trials by military commission. After the war, his narrow reading of the Fourteenth Amendment—he wrote the opinion in the Slaughterhouse Cases—limited the effectiveness of the amendment. Miller wrote the majority opinion in Bradwell v. Illinois, which held that the right to practice law was not constitutionally protected under the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 
He later joined the majority opinions in United States v. Cruikshank and the Civil Rights Cases, holding that the amendment did not give the U.S. government the power to stop private—as opposed to state-sponsored—discrimination against blacks. In Ex Parte Yarbrough, 110 U.S. 651 (1884), however, Miller held that the federal government had broad authority to act to protect black voters from violence by the Ku Klux Klan and other private groups. Miller also supported the use of broad federal power under the Commerce Clause to trump state regulations, as in Wabash v. Illinois
In all, Miller wrote twice the number of opinions as any of his colleagues on the Court, leading future Chief Justice William Rehnquist to describe him as "very likely the dominant figure" on the Court in his time.[2] When Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase died in 1873, attorneys and law journals across the country lobbied for Miller to be appointed to succeed him, but President Ulysses Grant was determined to appoint an outsider; he ultimately chose Morrison Waite.
In total, what this shows to me, is just how scripted it really all is.  Think of "Miranda" Rights, which were established in the case of "Ernesto Miranda", in an incident taking place on the 33rd Parallel North, in Phoenix, AZ, the 48th State.
  • Ernesto = 5+9+5+5+1+2+6+ 33
  • Miranda = 4+9+9+1+5+4+1 = 33
  • 33rd Parallel North
  • Arizona = 1+9+9+8+6+5+1 = 39 = 3+9 = 12 = 1+2 = 3
  • 48th State; 48 = 4+8 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

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