Monday, July 7, 2014

The Numerology of the Supreme Court | Also, the "STFU" "Hobby Lobby" Story

Numerology is about when it comes to the legal system; from judge and jury, to the United States of America being a nation by and for lawyers.
  • Judge = 10+21+4+7+5 = 47
  • Jury = 10+21+18+25 = 74
  • Lawyer = 12+1+23+25+5+18 = 84
  • United States of America = 84 (See blog posts about it)
  • Barack Obama, a lawyer, is born on 8/4
  • The President sits on the 77th Meridian, known as the American Meridian
  • Court = 3+15+21+18+20 = 77
It is said that Thomas Jefferson was very much opposed to only having nine people on the Supreme Court, because it presented the opportunity for just 9 people to rule over a nation of many, as they do today.  As follows are the members of the Supreme Court and their name numerologies.  Before we do that, let us remember that '33 name numerology is deep, deeper than the English language.
  • Name = 14+1+13+5 = 33
  1. Clarence Thomas (6/23/1948)
  2. Atonin Scalia (3/11/1936)
  3. John Roberts (1/27/1955)
  4. Anthony Kennedy (7/23/1936)
  5. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (3/15/1933)
  6. Sonia Sotomayor (6/25/1954) (111th Justice in History of Supreme Court)
  7. Stephen Breyer (8/15/1938)
  8. Sam Alito (4/1/1950)
  9. Elena Kagan (4/28/1960)
  • Clarence = 3+3+1+9+5+5+3+5 = 34
  • Thomas = 2+8+6+4+1+1 = 22
  • Antonin = 1+5+2+6+5+9+5 = 33
  • Scalia = 1+3+1+3+9+1 = 18
  • John = 10+15+8+14 = 47
  • Roberts = 9+6+2+5+9+2+1 = 34
  • Anthony = 1+5+2+8+6+5+7 = 34
  • Kennedy = 2+5+5+5+5+4+7 = 33
  • Ruth = 9+3+2+8 = 22
  • Bader = 2+1+4+5+9 = 21
  • Ginsburg = 7+9+5+1+2+3+9+7 = 43
  • Sonia = 1+6+5+9+1 = 22
  • Sotomayor = 1+6+2+6+4+1+7+6+9 = 43
  • Stephen = 1+2+5+7+8+5+5 = 33
  • Breyer = 2+9+5+7+5+9 = 37
  • Sam = 19+1+13 = 33
  • Alito = 1+3+9+2+6 = 21
  • Elena = 5+3+5+5+1 =19
  • Kagan = 11+1+7+1+5 = 25
  • Elena Kagan = 19+25 = 44
Would you believe, every Supreme Court justice has master name numerology?  Nine for nine.  The master name numerology of the Justices are as follows:
  • Four "33" names
  • Three "34" names
    • Two "43" names
  • Three "22" names
  • One "44" name
I add the following detail as a shout out to my critics.  Let me know if this is diluting!
Isn't this a bad joke?  These are the Manchurian justices, the things Orwell once wrote about it, but they're real and in the flesh.  Personally, I've always thought John Roberts eyes looked empty.  Take a peak at them next time he is on a screen.  He isn't the only odd one when it comes to the justices.  Out of the group of nine, I think Antonin Scalia stands out the worst, especially with his March 11 birthday and strange first name, or "33".

With regards to today's headlines, their is 'master numerology' in the headlines regarding the Supreme Court.  Apparently Federal Justice Richard Kopf of Nebraska, who was appointed by George H.W. Bush, tweeted that the Supreme Court needs to 'STFU' in regards to the 'Hobby Lobby' ruling.  The acronym STFU in headlines is quite curious, especially from a federal judge.
  • STFU = 19+20+6+21 = 66
  • Federal = 6+5+4+5+9+1+3 = 33
  • Thirty-Three = 2+8+9+9+2+7+2+8+9+5+5 = 66
I call this the web of Gematria.  As Chief 113 once said, on March 11, all things are connected.
  • Chief = 3+8+9+5+6 = 31
  • Seattle = 19+5+1+20+20+12+5 = 82
  • Chief Seattle = 31+82 = 113
  • Chief Seattle's famous speech was given on March 11
The hoax was on then as it is now it seems.  That is why they called them 'Indian'.
  • Indian = 9+5+4+9+1+5 = 33
The "33" is the "TM" of how cultural narrative is formed, taught and learned.
  • TM = 20+13 = 33

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