Wednesday, December 3, 2014

66 74 | Charles Barkley Weighs In 'Something Bad Happens'

Charles = 3+8+1+18+12+5+19 = 66
Barkely = 2+1+18+11+5+12+25 = 74
  • Something = 1+6+4+5+2+8+9+5+7 = 47
  • Bad = 2+1+4 = 7
  • Happens = 8+1+7+7+5+5+1 = 34
  • Something Bad Happens = 47+7+34 = 88


  1. Police probe Brown's stepdad

    Stepdad = 10+2+5+7+4+1+4 = 33

    In the the stepdad video, Louis Head is wearing a shirt with green sleeves. Green is a curious color. It represents the illusion created by the green screen. Green is the color of the military. Stay aware of green color symbolism. Painted on the shirt is "I AM MIKE BROWN." And in the St. Louis suburb Louis Head is screaming over and over, "Burn this bitch down."

    Green = 7+18+5+5+14 = 49
    Louis Head = 3+6+3+9+10+8+5+1+4 = 49

    Burn = 2+21+18+14 = 55
    This = 20+8+9+19 = 56
    Bitch = 2+9+20+3+8 = 42
    Down = 4+15+23+14 = 56

    I AM MIKE BROWN = 9+1+13+13+9+11+5+2+18+15+23+14 = 133

    56 is curious. 5 and 6 are seen together in peculiar places, here are two examples: The Washington Monument is 555 feet tall (6660 inches). The earth encodes 6 and 5 in temporal and spacial terms, the earths precessional period in years (25,920) divided by the Equatorial Circumference in nautical miles (21,600) is precisely equal to 6 divided by 5 (6/5 = 25,920/21,600 or Time/Space).

    Green = 7+9+5+5+5 = 31 (wish I could underline the 5+5+5)

  2. Light = 12+9+7+8+20 = 56
    Hubbard = 8+21+2+2+1+18+4 = 56
    President with 's' exception = 56
    56 is very important number

    1. 56 is of course of the 11 set; 29,38,47,56,65,74,83,92,101,110,119,128,137,146,155

  3. Barkley's catch phrase "that's turrible" 2+8+1+2+1 +2+3+9+9+9+2+3+5= (56).

    1. Also, terrible=44.

    2. Bringing it back to Barley. Nice. And I didn't consider the 11 set connection, a whole new batch of numbers to lookout for.


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