Sunday, November 22, 2015

33 42 43 47 54 58 89 93 105 113 222 | The Eagles of Death Metal from Palm Desert, California (The Appropriate Band for Hoax Propaganda, November 13)

The Eagles of Death Metal were a highly appropriately named act for what went on at the Bataclan Theater on November 13, 2015 in Paris France.  First, acknowledge the name, 'Eagles of Death Metal', at a concert where there was reported to be much death. 
The = 2+8+5 = 15
Eagles = 5+1+7+3+5+1 = 22/31
of = 6+6 = 12
Death = 4+5+1+2+8 = 20
Metal = 4+5+2+1+3 = 15
Eagles of Death Metal = 69/78
The Eagles of Death Metal = 84/93

The = 20+8+5 = 33
Eagles = 5+1+7+12+5+19 = 49
of = 15+6 = 21
Death = 4+5+1+20+8 = 38
Metal = 13+5+20+1+12 = 51
Eagles of Death Metal = 159
The Eagles of Death Metal = 192

They're from Palm Desert, California.

Palm = 7+1+3+4 = 15
Desert = 4+5+1+5+9+2 = 26/35
Palm Desert = 41/50 (USA = 41) (America = 50) (41, the 13th Prime)
California = 3+1+3+9+6+6+9+5+9+1 = 52
Palm Desert, California = 93/102

Palm = 16+1+12+13 = 42
Desert = 4+5+19+5+18+20 = 71
Palm Desert = 113 (Mainstream, Dishonest, Green Screen)
California = 3+1+12+9+6+15+18+14+9+1 = 88
Palm Desert, California = 201

Their first record came out in 2004, but Wikipedia reports the members have performed together as the act since '98, which is very possible, given their band resumes.  Remember, the word 'prophet' has a Gematria of 98, and their has been a lot of 'prophet' and 'prophecy' coding lately.  The best example from 2015 of 98 and 106 coding in a story was the Philadelphia Train Wreck of May 12, 2015.

Again, keep in mind, the attacks in Paris lasted 222 minutes and it is said that 89 people were killed at the Bataclan Theater.  Notice who the band name acronym synchs perfectly with these stats.  Also, let us not forget their song 'Secret Plans', running 2:22 in length.

Now let us examine the band members more closely.

First off, notice that Hughes is from South Carolina, a state that has been marred with tragedy in recent times.  Also, the Gematria of Greenville, SC has a connection to the theater the terror hoax happened at.

The shooting at the Bataclan Thater happened on 11/13/2015.

11/13/2015 = 11+13+20+15 = 59

Also, with regards to his September 24 birthday, notice it leaves 98-days left in the year, kind of like the year the band formed.  Mainstream reporting also stats that 89 people were killed, the reflection of 98.

Jesse = 1+5+1+1+5 = 13/31
The Devil = 2+8+5+4+5+4+9+3 = 40/58
Hughes = 8+3+7+8+5+1 = 32/41
Jesse Hughes = 45/72 (Born in '72)
Jesse "The Devil" Hughes = 85/112/130 (They're saying 130 people were killed)

Jesse = 10+5+19+19+5 = 58 (The Devil)
"The Devil = 20+8+5+4+5+22+9+12 = 85
Hughes = 8+21+7+8+5+19 = 68
Jesse Hughes = 126
Jesse "The Devil" Hughes = 211

9/24/1972 = 9+24+19+72 = 124 (Blood Sacrifice) (Son of Satan)
9/24/1972 = 9+24+(1+9+7+2) = 52 (Devil) (Kiss the Devil was playing during attack)
9/24/1972 = 9+2+4+1+9+7+2 = 34
9/24/72 = 9+24+72 = 105 (Zionism, Masonry)

Notice how Jesse Hughes is making the '666' over his LEFT EYE.

Left = 3+5+6+2 = 16
Eye = 5+7+5 = 17
Left Eye = 33

Left = 12+5+6+20 = 43 (Currently 43-years old)
Eye = 5+25+5 = 35
Left Eye = 78 (Records spin at 78 RPMs) (Eagles of Death Metal)

Notice that Josh Homme was born on May 17, the 137th day of the year.  Recall that 137 is the 33rd Prime Number.  May 17th also leaves 228 days left in the year, a number connected to the word 'Death' and the name 'United States of America'.

Joshua = 1+6+1+8+3+1 = 20/29 (Josh = 1+6+1+8 = 16/25) (Sixteen = 33) (Massacre = 25/43)
Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Homme = 8+6+4+4+5 = 27
Joshua Michael Homme = 80/89 (The Number Reported Dead)

Joshua = 10+15+19+8+21+1 = 74 (Masonic = 74) (Josh = 10+15+19+8 = 52) (Devil = 52)
Michael = 13+9+3+8+1+5+12 = 51 (Conspiracy = 51) (51-days after September 23)
Homme = 8+15+13+13+5 = 54 (Bataclan = 54)
Joshua Michael Homme = 179

5/17/1973 = 5+17+19+73 = 114
5/17/1973 = 5+17+(1+9+7+3) = 42
5/17/1973 = 5+1+7+1+9+7+3 = 33
5/17/73 = 5+17+73 = 95

Notice that Josh Homme is 42-years old and Jesse Hughes is 43.

Forty-Two = 6+6+9+2+7+2+5+6 = 43
The relationship between 42 and 43, in Gematria
Massacre = 4+1+1+1+1+3+9+5 = 25/43
*The ages of the two men playing during the massacre

Also notice they both have JH initials.

JH = 10 8
JH = 1 8
Bataclan = 2+1+2+1+3+3+1+5 = 18
Initial reports of 18-dead

Remember, this band released a song in 2008 titled 'Secret Plans' that's album version was 2:22 in length, and in 2015, they were involved in a Paris Terror Attack hoax, that lasted until just after midnight, on November 14.  The total attack lasted 222 minutes.  The man who has his name on the Eiffel Tower, has a Simple English Gematria of 222 for his birth name.  In total, there has been much '222' coding surrounding this event, and even the recent G20 Summit where Syrian Refugees were discussed with a bill numbered 222.  Secret plans.

One last point, a 'rock' act is most appropriate for a 'France' casualty story.

Rock = 18+15+3+11 = 47
France = 6+18+1+14+3+5 = 47

France is home to the monument 'radio' tower, The Eiffel Tower.

Radio = 18+1+4+9+15 = 47

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