Saturday, November 7, 2015

77 | The Story of Flight 77, by the Numbers (Josh Stoss Tribute)

Flight 77 is my favorite plane crash of all-time.  Notice it departed Dulles at 8:20 AM.  It would crash exactly 77-minutes later into the Pentagon at 9:37, which is 77 feet tall, and 7 floors, if you count the two sub levels.  It should be noted that 9:37 is the 577th minute of the day, and 577 is the 106th prime number.  Perhaps this was a tribute to 'Zionist planned prophecy' being fulfilled.

Making matters even more interesting, the Pentagon is located on the 77th Meridian.

That's a whole lot of '77', wouldn't you say?

With regards to the sixty four victims on the plane and the 184 total victims, checkout the Gematria on each of those numbers.

Keep in mind that 49 is the product of 7 x 7, for another "77".

Also, 116 is 911 upside down, and this attack took place on 9/11.

Remember, the United States is a Jew owned nation.

Jew = 10+5+23 = 38
Judaism = 10+21+4+1+9+19+13 = 77

This post is dedicated to Josh Stoss, who put out a new video this morning.  His video is linked below.


  1. That breakdown is remarkable. Real news is so refreshing. Big shout out to Josh Stoss - def need him back!

    Stoss =92. Pentagon =92.

    Stoss =420.....that's a tribute I can get behind!

  2. January 16th or 1/16 (911 upside down) is 7/7 and the 175th day on the 13 Moon Calendar. On a minor side note I noticed that if the coordinates are added (38.9047+77.0164 = 115.9211) the sum looks very symmetrical with a 9 in the center and 11s on the ends.

  3. Why 184 64 on the plane 125 in the building 64+125=189

  4. Thanks Zach! It's my favorite crash too!!

  5. The lead hijacker was Hani Hanjour.
    Hani Hanjour = 119
    Hanjour = 33

    He trained at ASU, on the 33° parallel :)


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