Sunday, November 22, 2015

96 | Kali Projection of August 9 and Paris Attacks of November 13, 2015, 96-Days Later

Remember, August 9 is the day that leaves 144-days left in the year.

Are these events related?  The span of 96-days is certainly interesting.

August 9 also reminds me of 89 and 98 because of 8/9 and 9/8.  At the Bataclan, 89 people were supposedly killed while listening to a band that formed in '98.


  1. It's been "68" years since the Cardinals have won a championship......

    The Pope Visited this year...... what is a Cardinal?

    plural noun: cardinals

    a leading dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church. Cardinals are nominated by the pope and form the Sacred College, which elects succeeding popes (now invariably from among their own number).
    a New World songbird of the bunting family, with a stout bill and typically with a conspicuous crest. The male is partly or mostly red in color."

    Tell me that wouldn't be quite the coincidence if the Arizona Cardinals went to the super bowl this year....

    Arizona Cardinals in English Gematria Equals: 990

    From the World Series (11/1) to the Super Bowl is 99 days.

    Also the "Chicago" Cardinals last won a championship in 1947....
    1947 is a lot like 111 (the world series)

    Plus, it was the "15th" championship that they won......

    Cardinals in Jewish Gematria Equals: 248 (2/48 = 50) SB 50

    Cardinals = 81
    "Gold" = 81

    I read that "Gold" where be everywhere this super bowl....

    "It has been dubbed as the Golden Super Bowl[6] because it will be located in the Golden State (California)"


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