Sunday, November 8, 2015

Christianity, the plague.

The things Christians write... there isn't a more deceived group of people on the planet.

Keep in mind, these comments are in regards to a video made about me stating I'm a shill because I don't agree with the following topics:
  1. The earth is flat
  2. Alex Jones is Bill Hicks
  3. Dave J's channel was a truth channel
It should be no surprise that an idiotic religion for idiotic people breeds idiotic thought.


  1. This is an article about pictures in Ben Carson's home, very weird to me:

    There's that "224" again, and notice Proverbs is misspelled (Poverbs).

    1. Carson certainly seems to be primed to be the latest in a long line of "heroes" to fall from grace. The hero cop from Illinois being the most recent.

    2. Yeah, Carson has to fall, but for who? I thought it would be Jeb, but maybe it will be Trump due to Trump's numbers and royal bloodline.

  2. Replies
    1. It's outrageous, and how this person is so quick to rush to absolute judgment about this Capsa guy after one poem and one Gematria decipher. Such a black box be the dogma.

  3. Two audio files every Jew/Christian/Muslim should listen too.
    Yahweh ~ The Two Faced God.mp3 (Part One)
    Yahweh ~ The Two Faced God2.mp3 (Part Two)

  4. Hi Zachary.. hi everybody..
    Flat Earth is a false theory..!!! FREEMASON theory for the masses.. it would seem that these people genuinely believe the Earth is flat..

    The Hollow Earth Theory makes sense..
    Concave Earth: 996 / 690 / 115 (see links :)

  5. To put all in one class is kinda wrong.. And NASA is a complete FRAUD..!!!!! And ALEX JONES IS BILL HICKS..!!!

    1. Why do you think Alex Jones is Bill Hicks? Bill Hicks hated Christianity, Alex Jones is a Christian.

    2. Zach, you must realize they are characters, nothing more. And might I suggest you do some serious research into the heliocentric lie. I'm not sure what the precise shape is, be we certainly are not on a spinning ball.

    3. Why did Alex Jones receive a award to Bill Hicks..???? Why is Alex Jones Manager and good friend Bill Hicks manger and good friend.??
      Why have some guests called him Bill instead of Alex..?? Your good at numbers but do some research..

  6. ;)


  8. Sean, Bill Hicks was very passionate and a leader in waking minds. There is no reason to think Alex Jones is Bill Hicks. They don't look alike, they don't sound alike and they have relatively nothing in common. Alex Jones is a fraud, but calling him Bill Hicks is an injustice against a dead man. I've always exposed Alex Jones, I just think it is foolish when people say they're the same person. They're about as close as me and Josh Greenburg.

    1. Come on you can't be serious..??? Just to let you know the band 'Tool" Album had Bill Hicks in the art work in a doctors out fit.. Hmmmmm and had other clues about this sick and twisted world we live in.. And please explain me how the world spins..???

    2. Zach, of course I don't know for sure, but the evidence is pretty compelling. I'd say I'm about 80% certain they are the same person. As you've said many times, Kennedy, MLK, Malcolm X et al said a lot of good things, but in the end they were likely nothing but agents. I think the resemblance is quite a bit closer than you and this Greenburg. That said, it really doesn't matter an awful lot, especially compared to the heliocentric lie.

    3. Tool is how I first found out about Bill Hicks. His voice is on two tracks, one of my favorite quotes, "First of all, it isn't a war on drugs, it is a war on personal freedom, keep that in mind at all times." But this part about Alex Jones and Bill Hicks having the same associates though... are you referring to Kevin Booth? I will have to look into that. Hicks is from Austin like Jones, so these would be some interesting connections, but nothing definitive. I don't think they look alike, their noses aren't the same and they look like different men to me. Plus the voice? Are we claiming Alex Jones had his voice box changed? Why would the government go through all this trouble? And how did they turn someone violently opposed to Christianity into a Christian? Also, what does this argument do for bringing truth into the world? Alex Jones is a fraud, and that should be said, but saying he is a dead comedian from the past who had a very different agenda than Jones? Meh. Grasping at straws I would say.

    4. dropping by to say i've learned a lot from zach but i pretty strongly believe that alex jones is bill hicks, i agree with Sean Dexter i am 80% on this.

      weird vibe from the way zach is arguing against this so adamantly. the only explanation for this would be that he has done very little research on this case which is uncharacteristic and doubtful.

      even if hes fucking with us, hes still the most helpful shill ever though, so im not really mad

  9. So is this where Bartley got pissed? Cmon guys. Can't we just "agree to disagree" on certain topics for now? Maybe Earth isn't a globe. Maybe Jones is Hicks. None of us can prove or disprove this for everyone else, or even for ourselves and it's probably not worth bickering about.

    We need to be able to work across these narrow yet interconnected interest groups without having flame wars every other week.

    1. David, now you're saying what I am saying. This all started when I wrote essentially the same thing you did.


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