Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Russianvids, making deliberate lies... Jungle Surfer adding on to the lies...

Wow, this Russianvids guys is some piece of shit.  Here I found a comment by someone about how I'm not responding, which RV replies to, "No follow up.  For sure."  At this point, he had already deleted the four or so replies I had made to his video...

Again, if you're someone who subscribes to this channel, you are supporting a pathetic person, who does weak content, baseless content, that serves no purpose other than to make the truth movement look bad.  In all of Russianvids video library, it shows an obsession with things that don't matter.

And also look at the comment from Jungle Surfer... another channel that makes baseless claims.  I would say the achievements of Russianvids and Junglesurfer, are making videos that lend credence to the stereotype that people in the truth community are crazy...

Please unsubscribe these channels if you follow them, and dedicate more time to my work instead.  Time invested in their work is time wasted, and information that is more than likely detrimental to your brain.  I don't say that to be controlling, I say that as real advice.


  1. Zach I checked some of the channels that are spamming you and I must say -- we live in crazy town.

    1. Ha, I knew that before I entered into the YouTube ring. It was apparently Christian crazy town for many years before I got here. The Christians are blind to the truth and don't see how they empower the problem with their false beliefs and repetitive negative behavior because of their spiritual programming.

  2. I followed rv for about 2 weeks and was consistently surprised at the niavity of hos followers, and the basis of his assertions. Very weak. Very distracting. Factless

  3. Zach -- you are so right about the programming... I am a following of Jesus -- really... But here is the deal. 501c3 corporations!!! The so called church lives within the realm of the reality of what these Masons allow them. So slaves of MONEY. Funny isn't!

    Remember truth is cutting and it hurts. Accept it.
    Keep up the work!!


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