Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tomorrow I Am Making a Compilation Shooting Video, Help Give Me Advice Please

What school shootings should I include in this compilation?

I'm considering the following school shootings.

Dunblane (UK)
Virginia Tech
Sandy Hook (Newtown)

What non-school shooting hoax videos should I include?

Waco biker, on 137th day is ripe...
What else?  I can't even remember what they've bombarded us with, ha!


  1. Charleston church shooting and terror in Tennessee come to mind for me. Pretty obvious hoaxes.

  2. Oh, and the Roanoke local tv shooting too.

    1. Well, I am bad standing for the video I did on that one... not sure I can tough it without getting channel shutdown.

    2. Forgot about that, Zach. Yeah, maybe we should leave that one alone for now, lol.

  3. That news reporter shooting in VA. Roanoke? It was very recent.

    A personal favorite early on in my awakening was the Christopher Dorner shooting. Any time there's a multi-page manifesto it's likely a hoax.
    Who was that one kid who made the youtube videos? Elliot...the one with the horrendous overacting father shilling for gun control.
    The movie theater shootings.
    So many.

  4. "Any time there's a multi-page manifesto it's likely a hoax."
    I agree.
    I thought the manifesto attributed to Dylann Storm Roof was written by agents of some kind.

  5. Tennis player ANDY MURRAY was connected to DUNBLANE in Scotland. That was the school he attended as a schoolboy. I think his brother JAMIE MURRAY was actually there.

  6. yeah definitely the aurora colordao movie theater shooting. that was the first one of its kind. they seem to think of a theme to go with for awhile and than switch it up. its so stupid how people don't see that


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