Wednesday, December 9, 2015

44 67 76 116 | The Freddie Gray Police Officer Trial and 'No Justice No Peace'

Officer = 6+6+6+9+3+5+9 = 44
William = 5+9+3+3+9+1+4 = 34
Porter = 7+6+9+2+5+9 = 38
Officer William Porter = 116

State's = 1+2+1+2+5+1 = 12/21/30
Attorney = 1+2+2+6+9+5+5+7 = 37
Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Schatzow = 1+3+8+1+2+8+6+5 = 34/43
State's Attorney Michael Schatzow = 116//134/143

Dr. = 4+9 = 13
Carol = 3+1+9+6+3 = 22
Allan = 1+3+3+1+5 = 13
Dr. Carol Allan = 48

Dr. = 4+18 = 22
Carol = 3+1+18+15+12 = 49
Allan = 1+12+12+1+14 = 40
Dr. Carol Allan = 111

Caesar = 3+1+5+1+1+9 = 20/29
Goodson = 7+6+6+4+1+6+5 = 35/44
Caesar Goodson = 55/73

Notice the trial began November 30, 2015.

11/30/2015 = 11+30+20+15 = 76

This date comes 33 weeks and 1-day after the April 12 arrest of Freddie Gray.

Baltimore is on the 76th Meridian, and the chant in the earlier Freddie Gray riots from April of this year, the chant was "No Justice No Peace".

No = 5+6 = 11
Justice = 1+3+1+2+9+3+5 = 24/33
No = 5+6 = 11
Peace = 7+5+1+3+5 = 21
No Justice No Peace = 67/76

Also, keep in mind, the police spokesperson throughout this incident has been Capt. Eric Kowalczyk.

Capt = 3+1+7+2 = 13
Eric = 5+9+9+3 = 26
Kowalczyk = 2+6+5+1+3+3+8+7+2 = 37
Capt Eric Kowalczyk = 76

And let us not forget who brought forth the charges against the officers, Maryland State Attorney Marilyn Mosby.

Marilyn = 4+1+9+9+3+7+5 = 38
James = 1+1+4+5+1 = 12/21
Mosby = 4+6+1+2+7 = 20/29
Marilyn Mosby = 58/67 (Freemasonry = 58/67)
Marilyn James Mosby = 70/88
Maryland = 13+1+18+25+12+1+14+4 = 88

Notice Mosby's birthday, January 22, 1980.

1/22/1980 = 1+22+19+90 = 122 (Freemason = 122, Francis Bacon Method)

The trial is set to conclude December 17, 2015.

12/17/2015 = 12+17+20+15 = 64
12/17/15 = 12+17+15 = 44 (MM = 44, Marilyn Mosby's initials) (Officer = 44)

Remember, these shows by the numbers, are run by the Freemasons.

Baltimore = 2+1+3+2+9+4+6+9+5 = 41
Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33
Baltimore Police = 74

Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74

***76 was a number heavily coded into the initial story.  Remember the mother who was caught on camera beating her son, a story that took the national attention for a day?

The name of the son was Michael Singleton.

Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Singleton = 1+9+5+7+3+5+2+6+5 = 43
Michael Singleton = 76


  1. "Also, keep in mind, the police spokesperson throughout this incident has been Capt. Eric Kowalczyk."
    Reminds me of his near-namesake Ed Kowalczyk former frontman of the band Live who is 44 years of age at present.
    The 'No Justice No Peace' slogan reminds me of albums by Metallica and Megadeth: both of which have of whiff of the Judaeo-Masonic illuminati about them.

    The "no Justice

    1. Nice work. Last night I did a radio show with former guitarist for Megadeath. It will be up on YouTube Thursday.

    2. Nice. Look at Zach making moves.


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