Monday, December 7, 2015

No Charges In Chicago Ronald Johnson Shooting, In Time of Laquan McDonald Outcries (What's San Bernardino Got to Do With It?)

Think about this truth seekers.  In the time of Laquan McDonald outcries, charges for the shooting of Ronald Johnson are dropped.  If you're not aware, Ray Kroc, founder of McDonalds and 'Ronald McDonald', is from Chicago, IL, and opened his first restaurant in San Bernardino, CA.

CNN didn't have the balls to put Ronald in the top headline
Freemason = 96


  1. Amazing shit. We live in a game, and the majority aren't even playing.

  2. wtf? Ray Kroc died on. 1/14/84 ?!?!

    "san diego" in the English Ordinal system equals 74 (19+1+14+0+4+9+5+7+15)

    california" in the English Ordinal system equals 88 (3+1+12+9+6+15+18+14+9+1)

    san diego" in the English Reduction system equals 38 (1+1+5+0+4+9+5+7+6)


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