Saturday, December 19, 2015

33 39 66 69 | Rafael dos Anjos VS. Cowboy Cerrone, December 19, 2015 (Preview Stats)

12/19/2015 = 12+19+20+15 = 66 (39 Book in OT, 66 Books Total)
12/19/2015 = 12+19+(2+0+1+5) = 39 (Rafael dos Anjos)
12/19/2015 = 1+2+1+9+2+0+1+5 = 21
12/19/15 = 12+19+15 = 46

With regards to 21, 39 and 66, they are interconnected through the Bible.

Bible = 2+9+2+3+5 = 21
39-Books in Old Testament
Revelation is based on 39-Books in Old Testament
Revelation is the 66th Book of the Bible

Dos = 4+6+1 = 11/20
Anjos = 1+5+1+6+1 = 14/23
Dos Anjos = 25/43

Dos = 4+15+19 = 38
Anjos = 1+14+10+15+19 = 59
Dos Anjos = 97

Rafael = 9+1+6+1+5+3 = 25
Souza = 1+6+3+8+1 = 19/28
dos = 4+6+1 = 11/20
Anjos = 1+5+1+6+1 = 14/23
Rafael Souza dos Anjos = 69/78/96
Rafael dos Anjos = 39/48

10/26/1984 = 10+26+19+84 = 139 (Freemasonry)
10/26/1984 = 10+26+(1+9+8+4) = 58 (Freemasonry)
10/26/1984 = 1+0+2+6+1+9+8+4 = 31 (11th prime) (1-11 summed, totals 66)
10/26/84 = 10+26+84 = 120

With regards to 31, dos Anjos comes into the fight as a 31-year old, with 31 fights under his belt, on 12/19... 12+19 = 31.  Again, 31 is the 11th prime, and when you sum 1-11, it totals 66.

"Cowboy Cerrone", CC, 33
'33' is often the sacrifice number in boxing, but not always
Cowboy = 3+6+5+2+6+7 = 29
Cowboy = 3+15+23+2+15+25 = 83

Donald = 4+6+5+1+3+4 = 22
Anthony = 1+5+2+8+6+5+7 = 34
Cerrone = 3+5+9+9+6+5+5 = 42
Donald Anthony Cerrone = 99
Donald Cerrone = 65

Donald = 4+15+14+1+12+4 = 50
Anthony = 1+14+20+8+15+14+25 = 97
Cerrone = 3+5+18+18+15+14+5 = 78
Donald Anthony Cerrone = 225
Donald Cerrone = 128

3/29/1983 = 3+29+19+83 = 134
3/29/1983 = 3+29+(1+9+8+3) = 53
3/29/1983 = 3+2+9+1+9+8+3 = 35
3/29/83 = 3+29+83 = 115

14 weeks and 4 days counting end date; MMA = 441

The last time the two fighters met, August 28, 2013, dos Anjos won.

8/28/2013 = 8+28+20+13 = 69 (Rafael Souza dos Anjos)
8/28/2013 = 8+28+(2+0+1+3) = 42
8/28/2013 = 8+2+8+2+0+1+3 = 24
8/28/13 = 8+28+13 = 49 (Revelation, 66th Book)



    Sloppily Approved = 221/86/113~SEG/Pythagorean/S&V Exceptions

    1. There's a Francis Bacon Gematria connection here too.

      Sloppily Approved = 221 SEG

      Two Hundred Twenty-One = 273/93 (93=Propaganda)

      Sloppily Approved = 273 ~Francis Bacon Gematria

      Even though this article doesn't capitalize the phrase, it is a peculiar connection.


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