Sunday, January 3, 2016

33 74 137 | 'Man in the Machine', CNN Film on Steve Jobs, January 3, 2016

The title of today's tribute to Steve Jobs has familiar, masonic gematria.

Keep in mind that 137 is the 33rd Prime.

Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74

Also notice the sub-headline, 'The many faces of Steve Jobs'.  This has a connection to the date he supposedly died, October 5.

Notice how 10/5 leaves 87 days left in the year.

The = 2+8+5 = 15
many = 4+1+5+7 = 17
faces = 6+1+3+5+1 = 16/25
of = 6+6 = 12
Steve = 1+2+5+4+5 = 17/26
Jobs = 1+6+2+1 = 10/19
The many faces of Steve Jobs = 87/96/114

And let us never forget that Apple and Steve Jobs priced its first consumer computer at $666.

Let us close out by examining the synchs between the name Steven Paul Jobs and the date he died.

Steven = 1+2+5+4+5+5 = 22/31 (Steve = 1+2+5+4+5 = 17/26)
Paul = 7+1+3+3 = 14
Jobs = 1+6+2+1 = 10/19
Steven Paul Jobs = 46/55/64 (Born on the 55th day of the year '55)
Steve Jobs = 27/36/45

Steven = 19+20+5+22+5+14 = 85 (Steve = 19+20+5+22+5 = 71)
Paul = 16+1+21+12 = 50
Jobs = 10+15+2+19 = 46
Steven Paul Jobs = 181
Steve Jobs = 117

Notice that Steve Jobs was born on the 55th day, February 24, of the year '55.

2/24/1955 = 2+24+19+55 = 100
2/24/1955 = 2+24+(1+9+5+5) = 46 (Sacrifice = 46/55) (Steven Paul Jobs) (Jobs)
2/24/1955 = 2+2+4+1+9+5+5 = 28
2/24/55 = 2+24+55 = 81

10/5/2011 = 10+5+20+11 = 46 (Sacrifice = 46/55) (Steve Paul Jobs) (Jobs)
10/5/2011 = 10+5+(2+0+1+1) = 19
10/5/2011 = 1+0+5+2+0+1+1 = 10
10/5/11 = 10+5+11 = 26 (Steve)


  1. Do you know or rather, could you explain why the English gets the x6 on its simple number?

    1. They're coding systems, so I imagine it was created as an alternate form of coding.

  2. Plus the picture the media seems to use for every Jobs Ad. He has his Thumb pressed to his chin.

    thumb chin" in the English Reduction system equals 44

  3. He died 81 days or 2 months 20 days or 11 weeks 4 days before Christmas.

  4. Any opinions on whether or not this was a fake death? He was criticized for pursuing alternative forms of treatment. He avoided chemo or radiation. Actors are known for taking their roles to extremes, like by starving themselves to get skinny, to play a sick person.

    I'm sometimes on the fence about it, but I tend to lean toward the idea that he didn't really die.

    1. Oh nevermind.. I see you said "supposedly died" .. I missed that. ;)

    2. I suspect he is alive and well, he just exited the stage.

  5. Do you know the winning lottery numbers for Tuesday's Euromillions? I could really use the cash.


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