Saturday, January 16, 2016

42 | End of Iran oil sanctions, January 16, 2016, further falling oil prices to come

I like that 4.2 in regards to Iran's goals...

Iran = 9+18+1+14 = 42


  1. Saw that the doctrine releasing the sanctions is being called a "Golden Page"----86(Symbol, etc), and a nice 50 "golden" reduction.

  2. That European woman you kept seeing on CNN yesterday..Her name is Federica Mogherini.
    "Federica Mogherini" in the English Reduction system equals 104
    "Federica " in the English Reduction system equals 42
    "freemason" in the English Reduction system equals 42
    Mogherini" in the English Reduction system equals 62
    Mason in Simple Gematria Equals: 62

    Federica Mogherini in J/e/s Gematria Equals: 351 894 149
    Skull And Bones in Simple Gematria Equals: 149
    Federica in J/e/s Gematria Equals: 113 306 51
    Mogherini in J/e/s Gematria Equals: 238 588 98
    Karl Marx in Simple Gematria Equals: 98

    Federica Mogherini born 16 June 1973) is an Italian politician and the current High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission in the Juncker Commission since 1 November 2014.

    Mogherini was Italy's Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation from 22 February 2014 until 31 October 2014 in the centre-left Cabinet of Matteo Renzi.

    She is a member of the Italian Democratic Party and the Party of European Socialists.

    Birthdate 6+16+1+9+7+3=42=freemason


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