Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Is the lupefiasco troll russianvids? (Shill alert)

Think about how fucking retarded you have to be to find RussianVids to be a higher quality channel than mine.  That is only possible if your mind does not work.  And look at how this lupe character hangs around BOTH my channels on YouTube, and my blog... then he goes all over YouTube trashing my name...

Don't you wish we could track these people down, beat the shit out of them, and leave them in the gutter for the maggots?  That's the problem with the internet, the fact that we can't do that, or at least not all of us.


  1. Lupefiasco=44 This guy is clearly russianvids in disguise. He also posts gay comments on your blog just for attention. This motherfucker probably will deny even posting that bad comment about you.

  2. I might have to because I have a lot of people mad at me who are convinced he is a legit channel.


  4. Don't go off what i say. Not trying to start conflict.

  5. These fuckers never even show their faces. They stay hidden behind a computer screen blabbing on about nonsense. Like come on man they never show their face. the channels im subscribed to they show their face. only, 2 don't. I'm subscribed to black child, but he never talks. I'm probably finna unsubscribe to him because he did the same thing redsilverj did. He didn't point out the race war agenda on the video he made about blac yungsta.

  6. What's worse is when they do show their faces and they are covered in as much crap as possible. Like why even bother showing their face if they're going to hide their eyes behind shades. I can kinda see it if somebody is filming outdoors, on a bright day.. that's different. But a lot of these jokers put on shades indoors, just to make their videos.

    Lying eyes like to stay hidden.

  7. I think these guys are just trying to spread fear propaganda just to keep us in stagnant mode.

  8. If you do make a video, be very calculated about it. Show people where he references his so-called new information, and show them the dates on your blog that preceded it all. He's a straight up thief, and need to be put to bed once and for all!

  9. HAHA, I guarantee that comment was directed at me, as you scroll through the comments you will find me stating RV stole that from Zach.

  10. I guarantee that your comment is deleted by now.

  11. Zach. I bet alabama on the steel in your voice thinking it was a sure thing. Thanks!!

  12. I've never watched anything of russianvids -- the titles always sounded so Alex Jonesian that I just assumed it was an offshoot of rt. Lol At least now I know that was the right choice -- glad I never wasted any time on it! :D


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