Sunday, September 20, 2015

9 11 33 | The Opening Dialogue of The Patriot (Movie)

"9 pounds, 11 ounces, that's perfect."  That is Mel Gibson's opening dialogue, the first words spoken in the whole film.

This movie released a little more than a year before September 11, 2001.

Also, 9x11 = 99 = Patriot

The = 2+8+5 = 15
Perfect = 7+5+9+6+5+3+2 = 37
Measurement = 4+5+1+1+3+9+5+4+5+5+2 = 44
The Perfect Measurement = 96

Notice the '33' release date.

6/27/00 = 6+27+00 = 33

September 11, 2001, would end the existence of the towers which had been in place for 33-years prior, August of 1968 - September of 2001.


  1. Partriot = 99 = # of days left in year on 9/23

    Benjamin Martin = 62 (Torah [923] / Mason / Train / Execution-Style)

    1. Release date numerology sure explains my pre-2001 wonderings of why some movies came out on days other than Friday.

  2. Replies
    1. From other stuff I've seen Cortex write I see he has an odd sense of humor which I can appreciate and he can be funny. But yea.. I don't know about that comment.. Lol.

  3. This is a nice find Zach.

    the perfect measurement=96 (pythagorean)


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