Thursday, November 15, 2018

17 27 44 46 47 73 119 | Villanova beats Michigan in basketball, November 14, 2018 +Jeremy White nails it

Jeremy White nailed this prediction yesterday:

He called the podcast before the game was played.

Recall there was a recent death of a Michigan athlete.  The score connects to 'sacrifice'.

Sacrifice = 73 / 46

It is also 119 combined points.  73+46 = 119

At the same time, both numbers are very Catholic.  There are 46 books in the Catholic Old Testament, and 73 total books in the Catholic Bible.

Catholic = 46; Vatican = 119; Francis = 119
New American Bible = 73 (Name of Catholic Bible)
Michigan = 46 (Remember Harbaugh of Michigan visiting the Pope?)

Keep in mind this game was on the day leaving 47-days left in the year.

Vatican = 47; Francis = 47 

The difference in the score was 27-points, like the 27 books in the NT, beginning with 'Matthew'.
Matthew = 27

ALSO, notice the score in the first half, 44 to 17.  That was the date numerology of the college basketball championship between the two same teams.

79, the 22nd prime; Basketball = 22

4/2/2018 = 4+2+2+0+1+8 = 17 (17-point win)
4/2/2018 = 4+2+20+18 = 44 

That game as 226-days earlier, or a span of 227-days. 

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