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The scene where Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson were found |
OJ Simpson, full name Orenthal James Simpson, has some pretty awesome numerology going on. It is so awesome it truly has me wondering if his entire trial was a hoax.
- Orenthal = 6+9+5+5+2+8+1+3 = 39
- James = 1+1+4+5+1 = 12
- Simpson = 1+9+4+7+1+6+5 = 33
- Orenthal James Simpson = 39+12+33 = 84
- United States of America = 84
- Think of the book 1984, with focus on the '84
- OJS = 15+10+19 = 44
- OJ Simpson was born July 9, 1947, emphasis on the '47
The initials of OJ Simpson summing to 44 is curious to me, because the word "kill" has 44 numerology. Also, his name summing to 84 matches Barack Obama's birthday of 8/4, and Barack Obama is the 44th President. Of course these could be nothing more than coincidence, but my suspicion is up, especially since these are two of the most famous black men, for very different reasons, in the history of the nation.
- Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
With regards to the number "33", OJ's very famous defense attorney, Robert Shapiro, has it as well. He also has some "74" numerology going on, a number that is also important to the elites. Let us examine.
- Robert = 6+9+2+5+9+2 = 33
- Shapiro = 1+8+1+7+9+9+6 = 41
- Robert Shapiro = 33+41 = 74
During the time of the trial, OJ also had Johnnie Cochran as his attorney. Look at what we find within his name.
- Johnnie = 1+6+8+5+5+9+5 = 39
- Cochran = 3+6+3+8+9+1+5 = 35
- Johnnie Cochran = 39+35 = 74
Also on that defense team? Someone who has become a lot more famous, mostly thanks to his daughter Kim. I am speaking of course about Robert Kardashian.
- Robert = 6+9+2+5+9+2 = 33
- Kardashian = 2+1+9+4+1+1+8+9+1+5 = 41
- Robert Kardashian = 33+41 = 74
- Kim = 11+9+13 = 33
Can you believe it? All of his attorneys have name numerology of 74. What are the odds? If you can believe it though, it only gets better. And by better, I mean, I think the entire thing is a hoax, even the murder. Why is that? Well, because the date of the murder, it sums to 33. Let us examine.
- June 13, 1994
- 6/13/1994 = 6+1+3+1+9+9+4 = 33
- 875 South Bundy Dr. = 8+7+5+1+6+3+2+8+2+3+5+4+7+4+9 = 74
- At this point in history, most Americans associated "Bundy" with "Murder"
- Think "Ted Bundy"
- Think "PsyOps"
Four days later, on June 17, 1994, the "White Bronco Chase" occurred through Orange County, California.
- Orange = 6+9+1+5+7+5 = 33
- Also, think of the phrase "behold a pale horse"
Let us close by looking at the names of Ron Goldman, and Nicole Simpson.
- Ron = 18+15+14 = 47
- Goldman = 7+15+12+4+13+1+14 = 66
- Ron Goldman = 47+66 = 113
Also, Nicole Simpson, who has the initial NS.
- NS = 14+19 = 33
- Simpson = 1+9+4+7+1+6+5 = 33
- Nicole = 4+9+3+6+3+5 = 30
Here's a theory, maybe Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson are really alive somewhere, and their deaths were faked, all for the purpose of this giant television spectacle, a mass distraction for the ages. In the months after the OJ Simpson trial, the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, contributing further to the number of distractions U.S. citizens had to put up with. Why would OJ do this? The same reason people do stupid stuff everyday, for money.
Simpson's innocent verdict came on October 3, 1995. It should be noted that October is the only month with "33" numerology.
Simpson's innocent verdict came on October 3, 1995. It should be noted that October is the only month with "33" numerology.
- October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
In more recent history, O.J. Simpson was arrested after being charged with "armed robbery". Do you know how long he was sentenced for? His sentence was "up to 33-years". His defense attorney was named Yale Galanter.
- Galanter = 7+1+3+1+5+2+5+9 = 33
- Yale = 7+1+3+5 = 16
- Yale Galanter = 16+33 = 49
I've been watching your videos and find them truly interesting, thank you. It's obvious you do spend a lot of time on this subject and have found some intriguing connections. I wonder, in cases like this, what you believe would have happened to the very real people involved (Nicole and Ronald) and their families. Do you have any theories as to their whereabouts and how large these 'hoaxes' reach?