Friday, November 20, 2015

42 63 96 | Battlefield 3, 2011 Video Game, Has Paris, France Terror Attack on November 13, 2014

Battlefield has some interesting Gematria, it is a video game made by the company Electronic Arts, a giant in the industry.  Recall that the word 'Freemason' has Gematria of 42/51/96.

The Gematria of Electronic Arts is also interesting.  In Pythagorean Gematria, it has a connection to Paris, where the attack happened on Friday, November 13.

Paris = 16+1+18+9+19 = 63

The attack came 63-days after September 11, the date the Bataclan was sold by its Jewish owners.

Electronic Arts also makes the war video game, Medal of Honor.  Recall, a French Born American received the Medal of Honor one day before the Paris Attacks.  Notice the similar Gematria, again.

Below is an article mocking those who think the video game's coincidental date is proof of anything.  The people who write these articles need to be strung up and shot.  You'd have to be brain dead fucking retarded to dismiss the evidence as the article does, especially in light of everything else.


  1. Those who write such articles are paid tools who reassure the tender-minded that they are right not to entertain these "conspiracy theories".


    "'It looked like a battlefield': witnesses recount Bataclan horror"

    It looked like a BATTLEFIELD 3 terrorist attack on 13th NOVEMBER !!

    The photograph looks digitally touched up.

    They are mocking those of us who are awake knowing we're KNOW but thinking that we can't stop them.

    And they are testing the - seemingly infinite - gullibility of the slumbering masses.


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