Sunday, November 15, 2015

58 96 | Florent Groberg, Not a Real Person (False Identity Decoded)

In an earlier post I mentioned how Groberg had some significant '58' connections, but did not know his birthday was May 8 or 5/8, because it had not been reported.  This corresponds well with the day he was awarded the Medal of Honor, November 12, his birth status, and the clique he rolls with, the Freemasons.  Remember, the Paris attacks, which began the day after, November 13, concluded at 00:48 November 14.

11/12/2015 = 11+12+20+15 = 58
French-Born = 6+9+5+5+3+8+2+6+9+5 = 58
Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58
Star = 19+20+1+18 = 58 (Medal of Honor is 5-Pointed Star)
Paris attacks ended at 00:58, November 14 (began day after Groberg's Medal of Honor ceremony)

Notice the 33 surgeries.  The 33 always gives away the lie.

Also, in an earlier post I talked about the following CNN headline.

He = 8+5 = 13
tackled = 2+1+3+2+3+5+4 = 20
a = 1
suicide = 1+3+9+3+9+4+5 = 34/43
bomber = 2+6+4+2+5+9 = 28
He tackled a suicide bomber = 96/105

Freemason = 96
Satanism = 96
Knowledge = 96

Zionism = 105
Masonry = 105

His birthday, May 8, 1983, also has a numerology of 96, like Freemason.

5/8/1983 = 5+8+19+83 = 115 (Freemasons = 115; Killing = 115)
5/8/1983 = 5+8+1+9+8+3 = 34 (Murder = 34)
5/8/83 = 5+8+83 = 96

What do you know, some Freemason/Zionism coding.  Would you believe the soldier is a French-Jew?  Ha!  What else?  The Zionist stronghold.  Remember, Israel was approved by a 33 member vote in the year '47, incredibly important numbers to the Zionists.

France = 6+18+1+14+3+5 = 47

Florent Groeberg?  Where the fuck does the media find these people?  Who the fuck knows anyone named Florent?  And that Berg confirms he is a Jew....  I can't help but notice the 33 surgeries either.... this story sounds like a hot load of bullshit.

Here is Florent's likely false testimony.

Notice the Gematria of France, where this soldier is from, and here are some "47" words to go with it.

Below is a list worth remembering.

With regards to calculating the number of the beast, check this out.  Florent was treated for three years at Walter Reed before receiving his medal.  The English, or sometimes referred to, Satanic Gematria, of Walter Reed, sums to 666, the number of the beast.
His initials tie right in... FG = 67, Satanic = 19+1+20+1+14+9+3 = 67

Those initials, FG, for Florent Groberg, have Gematria of 6 and 7, or 67.  That is the Gematria of 'Satanic', as in 'Satanic Gematria...

Satanic = 19+1+20+1+14+9+3 = 67

It is interesting how in the NFL, the FG was made 33-yards this season... the common link?  Freemasonry, the same people who control the sports teams are those 


  1. "Satanic Gematria" -- I seriously believe you've uncovered the TRUE name for this particular gematria system ... it makes absolute sense. The other forms all contain connections to Good as well as Bad, but the system coded within all this bullshit is just layer upon layer of darkness & negativity. Also explains why I continuously run across tangental references to SAINT GERMAIN -- PLEASE ... you MUST Google "SAINT GERMAIN" -- then look into the SAINT GERMAIN FOUNDATION ... it closes the loop on MANY, MANY things ... you even have a "Saint Germain 'I AM' Temple" in Seattle -- on Aurora Ave. N.! That is, after all, what "JE SUIS" means, right? It means "I AM" ... and don't forget "I AM CAIT" too!!

    Saint Germain / Satanic Gematria / (SGF) Saint Germain Foundation - I AM / Bridge To Freedom / The Summit Lighthouse / Church Universal and Triumphant ---- all of these are extremely closely connected. The Headquarters of the SGF is in Schaumberg, IL -- a suburb of CHICAGO -- which you long ago identified as the "Center Core" of the bullshit brigade.

    I'm still sorting them out, but the REAL kicker is that ALL of this ultimately relates to ONGOING WARS OF SUCCESSION FOR CONTROL OF ROYAL DOMINION. It has much to do with MORGANATIC MARRIAGES -- wherein Royal-Blooded Heirs dispute claims made by Heirs Descended From Marriages Between Royalty And "Nobility" -- -- Which is what was TRULY at the heart of BOTH WWs -- & they aren't just arguing over squatting rights to palaces or "Honorary Titles" ... this goes much, much deeper than we've been allowed to imagine.

    We've been led to believe that all of the "House Of This Asshole" vs. "House Of That Muthafucka" died out for certain around WW1, and that now it's "all for show" ... but clearly that's not the case. From Saint Germain, look into HOUSE OF LORRAINE, and you'll find MUCH that leads to the current bullshit in France. They've been using us "rabble" to fight their proxy wars for centuries -- and they're still at it.

    With Open Eyes, when you look back far enough, you can even find where the HOUSE OF SATAN - THE FALSE JEWS started taking over ... they even admit that, in the ancestry of the "House Of Lorraine", THE LINEAGE GETS MURKY A FEW HUNDRED YEARS AGO ...

    It's all a blur when you first look through this gibberish, simply because WE'VE NEVER BEEN TAUGHT HOW TO VIEW OR PERCEIVE SUCH THINGS -- Only as Long-Ago Happenings in Far Away Places ... and that's PRECISELY WHY THEY NEED TO BE CONSIDERED as an important piece of this massive puzzle we're untangling about our TRUE HISTORY ...

    I know this much: suddenly I have a better understanding of why the Fleur-De-Lis is plastered ALL OVER the state of KY -- something that never made sense before, because "Honoring the King of France" from long ago, just isn't a sufficient explanation for why it's so prominent TODAY ...

    DO look into Saint Germain and the Saint Germain Foundation though -- it will connect many, many loose ends ... As always, hats off to your most excellent research, and remember: Bono Animo Esto, good friend! ;D :D

  2. Holy crap -- my comment actually showed up -- it's a miracle! Pretty much everything I've ever tried to post on here has never registered ... it's gonna be a good day! Lol ;D

  3. lol. I have not been able to post anything either. Liked your comment.. I will go check out St. Germain.


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