Sunday, December 20, 2015

Democratic Debate, All About ISIS

ISIS, ISIS, ISIS... and like I said last week, I think 'climate change' is code for 'war' and ISIS is the catalyst.


  1. Zachary ... hahaha.. "If only we could all just lose our religion" ¿Really?

    You are completely wrong about this topic - The only true religion is the catholicism.

    Many people tell: Certain religions (Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.) have existed for centuries and have almost as many adherents as the Catholic Church.

    This is completely wrong because the teachings of Catholicism are the teachings of Christ. There no more God beside the Holy trinity (God - Jesus christ)

    I have heard your commentaries about the freemasons creating the catholic church and is a non sense. They laugh at you when you speak so high about them.

    You live in a country that is mostly protestant, with more guns than persons and it is normal that you think what you think.

    You are living in the last days of the GREAT EMPIRE because wall street is not more than a casino and (sadly) it will dissapear forever like the roman empire.

    JesusChrist died for you and for everyone.

    God is the ONE.

    How many churches did Jesus establish?

    Only one. The catholic one.

    1. By the way "The principal and more important masonic slogan : Freemasonry does not believe that Jesus Christ is God. They want to destroy the catholic church (the only one religion)

      Again. They need to bring down the whole system based in the Vatican and create a ONE WORLD RELIGION = NEW WORLD ORDER.

      World War Three will begin as a need for them to destroy the most amount of people and then bring the new emperor (his "Pope"):

      Matthew 16:18 JESUS SAID:
      "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of HELL SHALL NOT prevail against it.


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