Friday, January 22, 2016

227 | CNN Headlines, 'Shovel, shiver, repeat...'

Recall was 227 represents, it is a number connected to cycles and circles, just as the headline alludes to, "repeat".


  1. Lucifierians, and more specifically followers of Thelema, believe in the Ages or Eras of the World or Existence, whatever terms you like. Anyhow, the switch into the new age, cancer-bears-69-yingyang, is not a known event to the public until it begins to make itself known. 227.

    Funny how 227 was a show in the 80s abouy an apartment complex where blacks lived. Kinda like Moving on Up, same show basically. 227.

  2. Soon we'll be in February--96, or Pisces, which is two 69in Fishes...also known as the Last Stage of Human Evolution. Pisces is also the last or 12th Sign of the Zodiac.

    Things are gunna keep on ramping up.

  3. This blizzard is an inside job created by the masons


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