Friday, January 22, 2016

33 96 | Nostradamus of the Balkans predicts catastrophic 2016, and the 44th President as the last

This is obviously is a hoax put on by the Zionist Jews.  If she said the United States would be attacked by steel birds, or planes, then she was wrong, because on 9/11, there were no planes, besides the CGI images shown on television.  9/11 was bombs, demolitions and nothing more.

Also notice how she died in '96.

Freemason = 96

Balkans = 2+1+3+2+1+5+1 = 15/24/33

If I knew the number code before Obama's election, it probably would have been easy to see that the 44th President would be the first black one, especially knowing the history of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.  Of course, '44 being the last', ties in with the number of Kings of Israel.


  1. I always forget about the Israeli Kings. New America will most likely run as board room, a committee, sorta like now, but flip flopped, or 69ed, where the board will have executive power and the veto over the chairman.

  2. I was wondering if any of yous guys had looked into Steven, there's a pretty good thing going round that Bowie is this cat or atleast played him in an interview after his death. Anyhow, he isba real guy, but the Steven in in the interview is pretty Bowie-esque. Let me find a weird link...


    2. I have seen it, it is interesting. If it is him, he agreed to mutilate his face... and people are making the Dave Dave, Michael Jackson comparison... so maybe it is all there.

    3. Unbelievable. Just when you think the mockery cannot get any more blatant.


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