Saturday, January 16, 2016

33 39 47 49 53 66 | The Revelation Code, hidden before the eyes of viewers of 'Childhood's End

The story of Childhood's End begins with the introduction of the character Milo Rodricks, the last man alive on earth, only because he wasn't on earth when the planet was destroyed.

Milo = 4+9+3+6 = 22 (22 Chapters in Revelation)
Rodricks = 9+6+4+9+9+3+2+1 = 43/52
Milo Rodricks = 65/74 (Knights Templar = 65/74)

Milo = 13+9+12+15 = 49 (Revelation)
Rodricks = 18+15+4+18+9+3+11+19 = 97
Milo Rodricks = 146

Strangely enough, in the first episode, Milo is killed by gunshot before being brought back to life by the Overlords.  He lives on to be 'the last man on earth'.

There might not be any people left on earth, but there is technology, surveilling it.  Think about that...  call me crazy, but I've always thought the technology of this world, that we use everyday, is beyond human capability; phone, television, computer, etc.

Wainwright = 5+1+9+5+5+9+9+7+8+2 = 60
Global = 7+3+6+2+1+3 = 22
Media = 4+5+4+9+1 = 23
Wainwright Global Media = 105 (Masonry, Zionism)

Wainwright = 23+1+9+14+23+18+9+7+8+20 = 132
Global = 7+12+15+2+1+12 = 49
Media = 13+5+4+9+1 = 32
Wainwright Global Media = 213

This image is quickly shown in the show.  The information in the death of 'Hugo Wainwright', codes out for 'Childhood's End' and 'Revelation'.

Childhood's End = 3+8+9+3+4+8+6+6+4+1+5+5+4 = 66/75
Revelation is the 66th Book of the Bible

Notice that Hugo was born in '39 and died at the age of 66.  Revelation, the 66th Book of most Bibles, is based on the 39-Books of the Old Testament.

Hugo = 8+3+7+6 = 24
Wainwright = 5+1+9+5+5+9+9+7+8+2 = 60
Hugo Wainwright = 84 (United States of America)

Hugo = 8+21+7+15 = 51
Wainwright = 23+1+9+14+23+18+9+7+8+20 = 132
Hugo Wainwright = 183

The phrase 'passing of a legend' has something in common with sacrifice.  Notice how down below it says he "suddenly" died.

The word 'legend' is also fitting for the film.

This film was released 47-years after 1968, the year Space Odyssey 2001 was released.  Remember, both titles, are books by Arthur C. Clarke.  It is said that Stanley Kubrick was working on ideas to make this a film years ago, but it never transpired.

Notice below, 'The Globe' decides to call the invaders 'Overlords', like the word 'Christian', who this show is targeted at.

The Globe = 20+8+5+7+12+15+2+5 = 74
Jesus = 74
Cross = 74
Messiah = 74
Gospel = 74
Muhammad = 74
Joshua = 74
Masonic = 74
Lucifer = 74

The book Childhood's End was written in 1953, no coincidence.

Religion = 9+5+3+9+7+9+6+5 = 53

Please also see my prior post on Karellen, the leader of 'The Overlords', the representative for earth.

Karellen = 2+1+9+5+3+3+5+5 = 33
Thirty-Three = 2+8+9+9+2+7+2+8+9+5+5 = 66

1 comment:

  1. Now Mara is saying he hopes Macdoo can be like Mike Tomlin after Cower. Like Tomlin who won a ring with the Buccaneers as A DBs Coach, Macdoo won a ring with the Packers against Tomlin.

    They're foreshadowing something


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