Friday, January 15, 2016

33 47 58 74 119 | Pythagoras, Aristotle, Freemasonry & the Flat Earth Notes

Keep in mind that Pythagoras is a person from history who was written about many years after his existence, which is suspicious.

Pythagoras = 7+7+2+8+1+7+6+9+1+1 = 49/58 (Freemasonry = 58)
of = 6+6 = 12
Samos = 1+1+4+6+1 = 13/22/31
Pythagoras of Samos = 74/83/101

Pythagoras = 16+25+20+8+1+7+15+18+1+19 = 130 (***Washington = 49/58/130)
of = 15+6 = 21
Samos = 19+1+13+15+19 = 67
Pythagoras of Samos = 218

Notice that Aristotle is credited with deciding on the spherical earth around 330 BC, this is interesting in light of the fact that the flat earth symbol, used by the United Nations, is broke up into '33' pieces.  They also say that Aristotle lived until 322 BC... Masonic Numbers.

Aristotle = 1+9+9+1+2+6+2+3+5 = 38/47
Aristotle = 1+18+9+19+20+15+20+12+5 = 119 

Aristotle was supposedly 62-years old when he died, in 322 BC.  (Mason = 62)

Wouldn't it be something to find out that the majority of characters we learn about from history, never even existed?  With the numbers on Pythagoras and Aristotle, and the part about Pythagoras being written about well after the fact, you have to wonder.


  1. Replies
    1. 42 and 51 both invert addition to 66. 66 really seems like a "fixed" number. Rewritten. Like the Bible.

  2. Zach are you starting to come around to the notion that we are not sitting on a spinning ball?

    1. Sean, there is nothing to come around to. Just Christians trying to prove their beliefs by stating more belief systems. Flat earth cannot explain the facts of this world, from seasons, to day length to the way water spins down the drain in opposite hemispheres. The flat earth model is not the thinkers model, it is the believers model.

  3. Heads up, Dan Haggerty, American Actor, dead at 74 this morning. Cancer again.

  4. Thanks Zach. Sometimes your posts make a deeper impact on me, and this is one of them. Just your basic Aristotle decode above woke me up to Philosophy - I really appreciate the lesson. Would love more on this subject.

    Philosopher =141. False Prophet =141.

    1. I agree, very interesting decoding on these great Western Minds. Just scanning Galileo Galilie, Socrates, Xenophon of Athens, all loaded.

    2. To Philosophize =1019. To Philosophize =193.

      Philosophy =62. Mason =62.

      Mason =211. Great Philosophers =211.

      Zach truly opened my eyes to this new can of worms - Thank You =115. Freemasons =115.

      Today is 1/15.....Happy Freemasons Day =211. Mason =211.


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