Sunday, August 10, 2014

33 | Governor Moonbeam, Charles Manson and Bruce Davis

There are five things to notice from the reporting in the image above.
  1. The word moonbeam is hyphenated
    • Moonbeam = 4+6+6+5+2+5+1+4 = 33
  2. The nickname comes from "Chicago" like most of this "33-stuff"
  3. The author is named Michael Royko
    1. Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
    2. Royko = 9+6+7+11+6 = 39
  4. The article was written in October
    1. October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
    2. October is the only "33" month
  5. The year is '76 > 13 > 4
Today the Charles Manson headlines are back.  I'm pretty sure old Charles is part of the hoax upon us, an ongoing spectacle for us to marvel at for all the wrong reasons.  In today's headlines, it is that Governor Jerry Brown of California, aka "Governor Moonbeam", denied Bruce Davis, implicated in the Manson murders, his chance at freedom.
  • Moonbeam = 4+6+6+5+2+5+1+4 = 33
  • Jerry= 1+5+9+9+7 = 31
  • Brown = 2+9+6+5+5 = 27
It is said that Bruce Davis murdered two on the night of April 21, 1972.
  • Bruce = 2+9+3+3+5 = 22
  • Davis = 4+1+4+9+1 = 19
  • April 21, 1972 = 4+2+1+1+9+7+2 = 26
The people he supposedly murdered were Gary Hinman and Don Shea.
  • Gary = 7+1+18+25 = 51
  • Hinman = 8+9+14+13+1+14 = 59
  • Gary Hinman = 51+59 = 110
110 reminds of the words 'President' and 'Rockefeller'; it also reminds of the World Trade Center buildings which were proposed by David Rockefeller and approved my Nelson Rockefeller and which stood 110-stories tall.  Were they a tribute to the Rockefellers?  The number 110 is the product of 11x10.  The name Don Shea, also reminds of the World Trade Center structures which existed for 33-years and were approved by Governor Nelson Rockefeller who had a life number of "33"; he was born July 8, 1908, close to George W. Bush's birthday of July 6, 1946
  • July 8, 1908 = 7+8+1+9+0+8 = 33
  • July 6, 1946 = 7+6+1+9+4+6 = 33
  • Don = 4+15+14 = 33
  • Shea = 19+8+5+1 = 33
These numbers, they're often behind the hoaxes that plague our lives via the mainstream media.  They are spread by "news agencies" such as the New York Times, established September 18, 1851.
  • 9/18/1851 = 9+1+8+1+8+5+1 = 33
  • Newsweek = 5+5+5+1+5+5+5+2 = 33
  • Newsweek was established in '33
  • The same is true of much more media, from People to CNN
As for Jerry Brown, he was born April 7, 1

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