Thursday, November 19, 2015

89 | "Zachary K Hubbard is Judas Iscariot", YouTube Rumors Acknowledged & My Response

Have you heard the rumors, that I'm Judas Iscariot?  Some irresponsible "Christians" have spread this rumor, using the evidence within the database (Never mind that these people are only aware of this knowledge and this database because of me).  Also, never mind the fact that this would conclude I somehow know Jesus...

Anyhow, just as easily, they could have argued that I'm "Christ Reborn", or "Holy of Hollies", "Beautiful Heart", etc.  They could have even accused me of being 'The Path of Zain'. I wanted to see what the meaning of this was, since it was a new one for me.

 Look at what the meaning of the phrase is just below, and notice how it is connected to Thelema.

From now on, I'm going to ask the rumor makers to say "Zachary K Hubbard is the Path of Zain".  Why?  Because if people are going to make false rumors about me, I want to like the way the false rumors sound.  And at least Zain starts with a Z like Zach, unlike Judas or Iscariot.  In fact, my entire name doesn't have a J or an I in it.  Plus, I think what I have brought into the world, with this Gematria knowledge, could be acknowledged as "clarity of understanding which is the foundation of the purest and strongest love".

Also, for you Christians who follow the Bible, my birthday does have a little something to do with how Christ is understood in the Christian faith.  The same could be said for others born on this day, July 21, or at least the men born on this day.

My birthday is July 21 (21/7), 1983, the day of the coldest temperature ever recorded.  The temperature even coincides with my name.  A lot of people in this world are convinced I am an angel, and many have said they have never known anyone like me.  Think about how many billions of people have lived, and lived without cracking the code, the same code I have.  If anyone has done it prior, they haven't shared it in the way I have, which is a major loss for humanity.  My goals are not of self interest but of healing the madness of this world.

Adding to the intrigue, my dad's full name, in Pythagorean Gematria, sums to 89, and my mother is born on September 8, often written 8/9.  Making matters even more interesting, her birthday is the same day as the Virgin Mary's birthday.

Whether people want to acknowledge it or not, my work is arguably more beneficial to the world than the Bible or the story of Christ, which has done nothing but make people fold their hands, and wait on their knees, for something that isn't coming.  Of course my work is not spread across the world as Christianity is, but in time it will spread to more and more people.  The truth is always a late mover.  When it does spread, people will have a tool they can use to decipher truth as they never have before in this world filled with lies.

As for Christianity, it has divided millions and been the basis of wars a thousand times over.  People put more faith in a book based in the time of the Roman Empire, emphasis on empire, than they do their fellow man.  As I write this, I acknowledge that it was the Bible that tipped me off to Gematria, so for this fact, I must give the Bible this much credit.  That said, why Gematria is not explained in the Bible when it is clearly written with Gematria, is quite telling.

I am sure my points and words will anger many, but it is of little concern to me.  My work is about waking people from their slumber for the purpose of uniting the world in truth instead of dividing over nonsense.  Anger is a part of the process of awaking for many.  There's no proof Jesus ever existed but we exist and there is proof of that.  We exist in a man made hell, where many able bodied people think all they can do is wait for the return of the savior.  Of course they think this because it was foretold in a book written by the oppressors for the mind control it would instill, a book that some have chosen to take on as the word of God.

Let me be clear about Jesus before Christians get too angry.  The story of Jesus is the story of inspiration that I have based my life around since I was young.  I believe in the story of Jesus, but not the absurd spiritual beliefs surrounding his death and our sins.  To me it doesn't matter if he was real or not, what matters is the message from the story.  The story of Jesus is a story of acceptance for mankind, no matter what, and also a story of fighting back against the oppressors.  Oddly enough, you won't find many Christians who seem to understand the story of Jesus, but at the same time, they're willing to shout down anyone who doesn't believe he died on the cross for our sins...  You'd be hard pressed to find a Christian who has been more "Christ-like" than myself.  I say this with total confidence knowing what I have done for others in this world.

And one more point.  Jesus was out to destroy religion, so am I.  Keep in mind, I didn't choose any of this for myself.  It is just how it has worked out.  When I was younger I didn't believe in fate, but time and age has changed my stance.


  1. Just the way you choose to write Zach - is much more damning, ha.

    Zach =38. Death =38. Jew =38.

    Zach =228. World Superpower =228.

    Zach =512. Your rise to prominence this year can be attributed to the Philly Trainwreck of May 12th - 5/12.

    I'm just joking around. Everyone on this blog knows Zach is the The Truth!

    Zach Is The Truth =1212. Free To Find =102. The Truth =120.

  2. Your personal beliefs in Faith have never deterred me from showing other people your work. I hope mine haven't minimized the value of my work.

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