Monday, November 23, 2015

Bill Hicks Tall, Alex Jones Average Height (6'1" vs 5'10")

I was watching some Bill Hicks stand up, and it stood out to me, that he was rather tall, where Alex Jones is rather average in height.  Bill Hicks, tall and lanky, Alex Jones, average and plump.

How do those who say Alex Jones is Bill Hicks explain the difference in their height?  And please don't use Paul McCartney post car crash as your example...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This guy Dave J is a complete nutcase. I normally caution myself against using dismissive terms like that, but I have no doubt about it in this given situation.

  2. I want to know what he commented lol

  3. Maybe they're both clones of the same person.

  4. The difference in height is to throw you off the trail! U SHILL.


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