Thursday, December 3, 2015

47 74 | RussianVids, Trolling My San Bernardino Video

Look at this shill trolling my channel.

Sadly, YouTube has promoted his San Bernardino video above mine in the search.  (YouTube also froze the views on my video at 50k last night, which is where it was at about midnight when I went to bed.)  In his video, he makes the argument that because the FBI Chief was shown in the background of the press conference in LA at the LAX Shooting of months past, and San Bernardino yesterday, this is clear evidence it was a hoax.  What I wondered as I watched his argument, was if he realized that San Bernardino and LA are neighboring cities...  In other words, not a very good argument, and not proof of anything.

It is clear RussianVids is a shill.  All he does is make shitty arguments that are easily dismissed.  By making these videos with weak points, it makes it easy for truth deniers to continue denying the truth.  Plus, RV has a voice that sounds a lot like 'Dave Dave', if you know what I mean.

RussianVids = 9+3+1+1+9+1+5+4+9+4+1 = 47/74


  1. Rushing Vids, as I like to call him, comes out with stuff so quickly after someone else posts it then says he broke it. You are not the only person he does this too, can't fathom why so many like him.

    1. They don't. He is a shill channel. Fake stats, and only trolls that comment. All the people who have been harassing my channel, are the ones who posts on his. It is a community of frauds.

  2. Makes sense. I group RedSilver into that too, mostly because he and Rushing are always holding hands and kissing each other's pages.

    1. Yeah I can't put my finger on who that RedSilver guy sounds like. I swear I know his voice from somewhere else.

  3. Beware of mormons, and let not the east vs west mentality of rappers dying in sacrifice,m the mormons may convince the Russian to snipe you.. shalom from the travelling jew.

  4. You really need to make a long ass video exposing him, maybe that way the REAL people that like him will see his true colors, and you'll get to see how many bots he has for the dislike button.

  5. RV does great work and Zachary you are sadly mistaken on RV character.. He has faith in the word of God and in Jesus.. All you are is an Antichrist and hey Judas goat..

    1. So, why did you hang around my channel for a year?

    2. And he has shown himself to be someone of low character, any fool can see that.

  6. Maybe it's to mock us. The open non-conspiracy and the vast majority have fallen for it.

  7. Russianvids = 47/65/74/92 (in Pythagorean Gematria) ~ Star of David = 47/56/65/74 (in Pythagorean Gematria) ~ Rockefeller = 56/65 (in Pythagorean Gematria) ~ A Rothschild Jew = 65/74 (in Pythagorean Gematria) ~ Jewish = 74 (in Simple Gematria) ~ Masonic = 74 (in Simple Gematria) ~ Lucifer = 74 (in Simple Gematria) ~ Occult = 74 (in Simple Gematria) ~ 92 backwards is 29. ~ Jewish = 29/38 (in Pythagorean Gematria) ~ Masonic = 29/38 (in Pythagorean Gematria) ~ Lucifer = 38 (in Pythagorean Gematria) ~ Jew = 38 (in Simple Gematria) ~ Death = 38 (in Simple Gematria)

    Russianvids = 35 (in Chaldean Gematria) ~ 35 backwards is 53. ~ Rothschild = 53/62 (in Pythagorean Gematria) ~ Luciferian = 53 (in Pythagorean Gematria) ~ 35, plus it's reflection, 53, totals 88. ~ Poison = 88 (in Simple Gematria) ~ Program = 88 (in Simple Gematria) ~ The Synagogue of Satan = 79/88/97 (in Simple Gematria)

    Russianvids is a definite Rothschild Jew.


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