Thursday, December 3, 2015

59 | Brooke Baldwin Is Tired of Reporting on Shooting Hoaxes, (CNN's Paid Liar)

Brooke Baldwin wants us to feel sorry for her.  She is tired of reading the propaganda to the TV audience it sounds like.  I wonder if she knows the anchor name she has taken on is connected to killing?

What all of these locations have in common, is hoax, hoax, hoax, hoax.

If you're sicking of reporting propaganda, then fucking quit.  Of course this story is just more bullshit, trying to reach the emotions of the sheeple who don't know better.

Notice the name of the producer, a very fitting name for CNN, which broadcasts from the 33rd Parallel.

Eric = 5+18+9+3 = 35
Hall = 8+1+12+12 = 33 (Most things at CNN are 33)
Eric Hall = 68

Eric = 5+9+9+3 = 26
Hall = 8+1+3+3 = 15
Eric Hall = 41

Please notice that this additional propaganda, is CNN's top story right now, out of all things happening in the world.

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