Wednesday, December 9, 2015

52 161 239 | 'I don't believe they needed to shoot him', Miami-Dade Barbershop Shooting

Some sources are saying the man shot was 51-years old, others are saying 52-years old.  With regards to 52, 239 is the 52nd prime number.


This post will also serve as a reminder between the relationship of these numbers.  Earlier this year, 61 and 161 were coded into the April 15, 2015 Gyrocopter at the White House story, which came 161-days before September 23.

23/9... September 23.  (The Pope visited that day, Pope = 16+15+16+5 = 52, 239, 52nd prime)


  1. So um. Here's this.

    I made a trial run podcast episode as well for you all to listen to and give feedback on. It needs work, but its a process.

    1. Awesome work, very good presentation, keep it up!

    2. Just listened to it.
      Well done !
      I guess then that ATL winning SB has been in the works a long time.
      So, nothing to do with PSLs.
      Very interesting..

    3. Oh, the PSLs are part of it, but Blank knows his team is winning the SB. Or else they don't open that stadium when they do. No way do they go into that stadium on a bad note. The PSLs don't sell themselves in ATL and Blank knows that.

      When the Falcons win the SB, it'll be as it was when Seattle did. All the sudden there will be Falcons shit EVERYWHERE. Haha. And those PSLs that he couldn't sell? Welp, now he's got a whole year to watch them get snatched up next season.

    4. Now I got it.
      Its all in sync with new stadium.


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