Today Triple G fights, 10/17/15.
Triple G = 2+9+9+7+3+5+7 = 42
Golovkin = 7+6+3+6+4+2+9+5 = 42
10/17/15 = 10+17+15 = 42
Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42
G = 42 in English Gematria (G = 7x6 = 42)
G = 33 in Francis Bacon Gematria 7+26 = 33
33-years old
October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
Fighting an opponent with a life number of "33", David Lemieux
His trainer is Abel Sanchez.
Abel Sanchez = 1+2+5+3+1+1+5+3+8+5+8 = 42
Abel Sanchez = 1+2+5+12+19+1+14+3+8+5+26 = 96
Let us not forget that boxing is a Freemason created sport and the boxing ring is 96-feet around. The numbers 42 and 96, as well as 33, are often central in boxing story lines. Tonight's fight includes a fighter who is 33-0 facing another fighter with a life number of '33'.
Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96
Muhammad Ali = 4+3+8+1+4+4+1+4+1+3+9 = 42
Muhammad Ali = 13+21+8+1+13+13+1+4+1+12+9 = 96
Muhammad Ali's original name was Cassius Clay; notice the CC, 33.
Cassius Clay = 3+1+1+1+9+3+1+3+3+1+7 = 33/51
With regards to tonight's fight, there is one last point about '42'.
The fight is in NYC, in MSG.
NYC = 14+25+3 = 42
MSG = 13+19+7 = 39
Thirty-Nine = 20+8+9+18+20+25+14+9+14+5 = 142
Forty-Two = 6+15+18+20+25+20+23+15 = 142
Will Triple G "fall on his number" or seize the day? This is what remains to be seen.
God of War = 7+6+4+6+6+5+1+9 = 44
Golden Boy = 7+6+3+4+5+5+2+6+7 = 45
G = 42 in English Gematria
GGG = 777 or 42 42 42
When he goes 34-0, it will synch well with his full name.

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