Monday, July 10, 2017

33 47 93 137 146 | Hellenistic Mathematics, Aristarchus of Samos and the discovery of the sun, 93m +Fall of Greece to Rome 146 B.C. to 31 B.C. +Constantinople in 330 AD

It came after the death of Alexander the Great, until the fall of Greece.

Alexander the Great died days before his 33rd birthday, reportedly.

It was during the Greek period of mathematics known as the Hellenistic period that the mathematician Aristarchus of Samos, the land of Pythagoras, discovered the distance to the sun, on average 93-million-miles.

Solar Man = 93; God's Son = 93; Nazareth = 93; Crucifix = 93; Christianity = 930

This discover was more than 200-years before the birth of Jesus Christ, God's Son.

Consider the Greeks wanted to create a philosophical world, based on spirituality, science, mathematics and reason.  In Jesus Christ, knowing what we know, we see a mathematical riddle coming together.

As for the scientist who made the discover, that was Aristarchus of Samos, notice the gematria of Aristarchus, 47.

Foundation = 47
Framework = 47
Time = 47 (Tropics, 47 degrees apart)

Also, 137.

Authority = 47/137
137, the 33rd prime; The Sun = 33; God's Son = 33


ALSO interesting, Greece fell to Rome in 146 BC.

Jesus Christ = 146; United Kingdom = 146

Constantinople in 330 AD?  Order = 33/60; Constantinople = 60

And for another tribute to '33'...

Notice Hellas, for Greece, sums to 33.

21, 33, 57, 105...

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