Wednesday, November 4, 2015

223 | Clippers Need to Embrace Villain Role

My preseason pick for NBA Finals is Cavs vs Clippers.  I like this headline in light of that.

Here are the 'Good Guys', the '223'.


  1. Two "cursed" franchises in the Finals. Maybe they'll upgrade to a series-long blackout so neither is victorious.

  2. you hear about this?

    "The NBA announced changes to the schedule format for the 2016 NBA Finals on Wednesday. The league confirmed there will now be two days between games when the series must change locations.

    Marc Stein of ESPN reported that altering the approach, which previously locked the games into either Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday, is part of an ongoing effort to build more recovery time into the schedule. It goes for both the regular season and the playoffs, as NBA Vice President of Basketball Operations Kiki Vandeweghe discussed last month.

    "Our focus was really on players' rest and recuperation," Vandeweghe said, per ESPN. "We've worked hard with the teams, the broadcast partners and the venues to get the overall travel down and more time between games."‎

    As a result, here's how the Finals schedule will look next June:

    Last season's championship series, which featured the Golden State Warriors defeating the Cleveland Cavaliers in six games, ended June 16. So the league has been able to revamp the schedule without adding any additional dates.

    That was a crucial factor for one of the league's most influential people. San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich told Dan McCarney of the San Antonio Express-News back in March that he was drawing a red line at the end of June.

    "I think the season is long enough," Popovich said. "I will not come to work in July. If there's a game in July, count me out."

    Asked if that included NBA Finals games, he confirmed his stance: "Count me out. Count me out. Life is too short."

    Now, of course, it's unlikely Popovich would have walked away from his team on July 1 ahead of a potential Game 7 with the title on the line, but his point is clear. Even a coach with an aging group of stars in Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili doesn't want to stretch the season out too long just to build in more rest."

    1. I'll die if the Spurs are in the finals again. It does sound like a rule change for old men.

    2. Just noticed...

      NBA Finals ended on 6/16 (6/7) (13)

      Wariors in Simple Gematria Equals: 103 (13)

      In the article....
      He used the word "red line" = 67 (13)

      Also, could this be a clue?
      "As a result, here's how the Finals schedule will look next June:

      Last season's championship series, which featured the Golden State Warriors defeating the Cleveland Cavaliers in six games, ended June 16. So the league has been able to revamp the schedule without adding any additional dates."

      Sounds like either 1, or both of these teams will make the finals again this year........

      also look at Gregg Popovich.
      He is currently "66" years old...... and would be age "67" during the finals....... So he has a connection to the finishing date of the finals this year above....

      also check this out...... He's been assistant coach to Cleveland, Warriors..... and a volunteer assistant at KANSAS University.

      Definitely keep an eye on this guy.....

    3. look at that...

      San Antonio in Simple Gematria Equals: 122

  3. For a rigged sport, the NBA sure is boring as fuck. Whatever team LeBron is on vs. 2-3 possible west teams EVERY year until they create the next big star. At least baseball and football has some intrigue. These Zionists need to throw us a curve ball once in a while, you know?

  4. Replies
    1. It would be curious to see who they allow to win that. They really love toying with Cleveland. Watch it end in a 3-3 tie with the final game blacked out or somehow won by the Spurs.


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